Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Waxing Burned Bleeding Internal


2011 has now begun and the economic signals that come are not exciting. We can say without doubt that we are in the third year of crisis, which began in 2009 and came to this year where the predictions are for a recovery will be slow and uncertain, especially in the Italian economy.
And 'This is the scenario of the economy and growth of the beautiful country and it is against this background that lie two key points for local authorities: the transfer of funds from central government and, in perspective view, federalism.

In 2011, the cuts imposed by Rome to the municipalities will be heavy, like an ax affect everyone, regardless of merit. Even the best performing municipalities will be penalized. Macherio be penalized by about 140,000. On the other remains well in sight of the "stability pact " mechanism by which the government must maintain a financial equilibrium that prevents binding availability although present in the case.

to Italian municipalities still do not have to collect local taxes and so-called infrastructure costs, from new housing units or commercial / industrial or upgrading from large areas of territory.

But this is where the crux of the situation which must
and be the role of municipalities? What policy can individual municipalities to become increasingly autonomous from central government?. We want a Macherio active or passive?.
Passive to cut all services, lowering the quality of those who remain in the name of crisis, cemented wildly for more revenue without any constraint.

Or a Macherio that launches the challenge?. In the eyes of all, the sector is rapidly expanding environmental with renewable energy sources and environmental sustainability . Two trends which, if properly evaluated, would point to get over even a few years, from an energy standpoint, a balance between energy used and produced a steady decrease of pollution derived from combustion to obtain energy, to change social attitudes towards the environment .

To achieve this you need a new municipal environmental policy. The examples are many, too close to us (Carugate, Cinisello Balsamo, Cesano Boscone) of common cha drafted New energy plan, new plans building regulations based on photovoltaic technology , of building sustainable bio , high-efficiency lighting systems , obtaining the best results by targeting their goals of further integration between the tools at their disposal and the type of energy and environmental issues.

It is a challenge that put in place today, even small steps can make a difference in key economy in the years to come. It's not like anyone wants to minimize, a whim of the "environmentalists", but is a request that the environment poses to us all. Italy, urged the European Union, announced a the sco
rso June, its National Plan Environmental setting the goal of 17% of green energy .

The European Commission itself launched in 2009 the so-called "Covenant of Mayors " which commits each commune member (of any size) to prepare an Action Plan with the aim of reduction of over 20% of its greenhouse gas emissions through local policies and measures to increase the use of renewable energy sources, which increases energy efficiency, to implement programs for energy saving and reuse of materials in addition to the collection differentiated.

Specifically for municipalities with different results but all targeted actions directed to the same goal: for example, the "green purchasing " with the introduction in public contracts to buy products made according to a logic environmental cost less.
Or the redevelopment of old housing areas, and not, according to new "energy requirements ": doing so can be taken of sustainability indices to rebuild homes taking into account certain things before completely ignored, such as natural materials or even recycled, recycling building materials, energy consumption, heat and sound insulation materials compatible with the environment, the amount of electricity produced by thermal from renewable sources. In view of these indexes may differ incentives granted by applying a policy rewarding mouldboard manufacturers, with discounts on urbanization costs . In contrast, the new residents will live in houses that
consume half of what it consumes a house built with the technical media traditional.
Nevertheless the value social campaigns true for recycling or reuse of certain products and equipment .
The mandatory (required by law) of upgrade public facilities (schools, gymnasiums, municipal offices etc ...) with photovoltaic systems for the production of electrical or thermal energy, the upgrading of the boilers Power to the use of diesel or LPG etc ...

In short, the road environment was already drawn. What is the administration port?. What innovative projects to improve environmental quality, livability in new locations?.
the challenge.


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