Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Toreset The Number Lock In Vip Suitcase

The Razor Filastò

Of all the murders attributed to the dual monster Florence in 1982 to Baccaiano is certainly the most difficult to interpret, not because his motives are always the same as for its dynamics. The fact that the murderess does not make a macabre ritual removal of the pubic area is widely considered a consequence of the pressure of events, and not a choice. But where there are many different ideas and the progress of omicidaria. I invite the reader, before continuing to read well on the Caliber 22 page dedicated , where beautiful pictures and excellent considerations (some of which made my own) can help you better understand what is being discussed.
The crime was the only one in which the means mechanism was moved from the starting point of aggression. When the monster began to shoot it, the car carrying Antonella Migliorini and Paolo Mainardi was parked in a lay-by adjacent to the current road in the town of New Virginia Montespertoli, as witnessed by three shells and fragments of glass left front broken, as rescuers found it on the opposite side of the road with the rear wheels finished in the kennel side, hopelessly blocked. According to the official story, the Monster had surprised the two lovers as they were composing after sex (as evidenced by a condom containing semen found on board), her on the back seat, him in the front seat. The boy was probably already aware of the danger before the murderess opened fire, igniting the engine and engaging the reverse gear to flee, given that the car was parked with its tail on the road. The show had started shooting continued even during the course of the car in reverse, until this had not stopped in that position already. Two more rounds to turn off the headlights and one with his hand inside the vehicle for delivering the coup de grace to the boy. The keys were taken out of context and thrown away. The arrival of two cars with four guys on board who seemed suspicious from the scene of an accident they flee the aggressor. The people who took part knew at once what had happened and called for help, which pulled out unconscious but alive Paolo Mainardi, while Antonella Migliorini there was nothing to do. Even though the boy died a few hours later without regaining consciousness.
This reconstruction was confirmed in principle by the statements of so-called repentant Giancarlo Lotti during the trial of Mario Vanni, and then challenged these hard defender of the Advocate, Nino Filastò, who wanted to demonstrate that the lot was lying. The complaint was based on the testimony of the rescuers intervened after the first alarm given by the boys rushed to the scene. If in fact the latter had claimed to have Paolo Mainardi seen sitting in the driver's seat, the stretcher bearers who rescued reported to have found it sitting next to his girlfriend on the back seat. Giving credence to this second testimony and it considered the other an error due to the heat of the moment, the lawyer suggested, therefore, a reconstruction of the completely different, you can read in his book "History of snacks infamous" to p. 381-388. According to the time of the attack Filastò Antoine and Paul are both on the back seat still willing to make love after a previous relationship. After being hit, the Monster would have started driving the car to move in a less conspicuous place in order can be made with greater confidence excision of the pubis, as the car was clearly visible from the busy street New Virginia. But during the maneuver in reverse out the murderess was disturbed by the reaction of the girl, writes Filastò still alive and , which fired the fatal blow while losing control of the car crash that ended well for the position in which was later found. After trying unsuccessfully to restart the monster would come out to shoot the latest hits to the lights stayed on and still with Paul Mainardi, then flee help arrives.
Unfortunately the reconstruction of the lawyer has many weaknesses that make it cumbersome and wholly implausible, making him forget his beloved principle of "Occam's Razor", which states that the simplest solution is always preferable. Actually it's not even the only case where this happens, we will see in future posts, so much so that one could speak of "Razor Filastò", a revised and corrected according to its criteria of the original. Let
still major weaknesses in the reconstruction of Filastò.

The position of both boys on the back seat can not find any justification. If they wanted to make love because they do not lower the front seat backrests, as everyone would have done? In fact the car was found with the back of the driver's seat almost all the way down (but not entirely), as you can see from the photo on page 8A of the Caliber 22. The back of the front seat passenger side was completely hand raised (photo 3, however, must be enlarged to understand it). This scenario describes well a time when the two boys were about to leave, as we shall see later.

Paolo Mainardi If at the time of the attack was in the back seat, because the bullets shattered the glass front window?

seems incomprehensible Filastò reconstruction of the position of some of the shells traced. It was found three on the space next to the fragments of broken glass (the driver), witnessing the beginning of the aggression. Why did the Monster would be limited to only fire three times now completely non-neutralizing its victims, as he had and would always do that? Two other shells were found just off the pitch by the roadside, perhaps one of the two still inside the lot but in any case with the three above. In the reconstruction Filastò not clear when they would be fired. The monster, after leaving the car stuck, he crossed the street to shoot from the opposite? Why?

The exit from the pitch back down in a busy street seems more the gesture of a person in panic rather than that of a murderess proved always cold in his actions. More logical would be to do some maneuvering to get out with the muzzle on.

The car was found with the reverse gear engaged and the parking brake partially engaged. If the monster had been driving was first lowered the handbrake, but understandably not maneuver carried out by Paolo Mainardi panic. Then attempting to refloat the machine logic would say that the driver would have to engage first. The vehicle was not in fact in a quagmire, where a back and forth could possibly do the job, but tilted dangerously to the brink of a ditch, therefore, any backward movement would have worsened the situation. The injured boy is understandable that there is not able to change gears.

The extensive blood stain on the driver's seat (Fig. 8A to Caliber page 22) does not seem to be justified by the flood that Filastò assumed to be released from the wounds of Paul Mainardi while being pulled out.

Finally, the testimony of the first speakers, that they realized that Paul was still alive hearing him breathe. How could they have confused about his position? If they were heard to breathe a few inches. On the other hand, even the testimony of the ambulance did not appear to be challenged, then there must be an explanation that the lawyer, in his anxiety to prove the lies of the lot, does not even take into consideration. We will attempt here, in the next post.


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