Sunday, February 20, 2011

Black And Decker B1800 Bread

Giancarlo Lotti

From an article in La Repubblica published April 2, 2002, on the occasion of the death of Giancarlo Lotti:

"No, no I think he brought no secret to the grave, "says Michele Giuttari, the head of the flying squad of Florence who gathered little by little confession:" I think Giancarlo Lotti has said all he knew. "

I wonder if today after eight years, the investigator is still the same opinion? Giancarlo Lotti it probably would have had a lot of things still to say surely many of those who said they were of enormous lies. In a previous post we saw how the exceptional Advocate Vieri Adriani document made available on its website ( The crime of Scopeti, Vieri Adriani ) has allowed us to make a clean sweep of stone circles that led to some credit Esoteric track. Here we will use the same document to prove that even the latest version of the crime of Scopeti told by Giancarlo Lotti was false. Forget the previous versions, whose false Michele Giuttari were justified by the idea, unlikely, that the lot she needed some 'time to open, and attorneys for plaintiffs with the more logical, which tries to diminish its responsibility. We will go directly to its latest version, the one on which he based the outcome of the process to the Companions of snacks as regards the part of the Crime of Scopeti away.
Forget also the backdating of the crime, accepting the good, the date of Sunday, September 8, 1985, although evidence colossal force them to go much further back. We will take into account only when the two poor tourists camped on the pitch he would see the their death. The document Vieri Adriani lawyer tells us unequivocally that date was Friday, 6 in the evening after dinner Cerbaia where they came from Pisa. Witness the receipt of a meal at a pizzeria in the city of the Leaning Tower found among their belongings.
But now we feel the way Giancarlo Lotti told her approach with a pair of hapless French tourists and the subsequent interaction with Mario Vanni, as reported by Michele Giuttari in "The Monster" (p. 205-206):

Three or four days before the murder I was at the bar Central San Casciano and felt that the customers were talking about a tent and a car that were in the pitch of Scopeti. People were amazed and said it was dangerous to be there and also remember that the police patrol to the patrons said they had done this to this couple to go away because it was dangerous. He also said that the couple wanted to find a board to stay and no place had camped there.
The day after hearing this talk at the bar, I met Mario in Piazzone of San Casciano and told him what I had heard telling him that I was not sure if the tent was still there. Mario said: "I'll go for a ride to see if there is, but I did not state when and how he would go. I confirm that Mario had been in that place the next day when he said that the tent was still there. The day before the murder, Mario, whom I met on Piazzone of San Casciano, told me: "Are you ready?".

This was clearly nonsense, because it does not add up. According to the story of the repentant in fact, squeezing the most of the time, he would come to the location of the murders at least Tuesday, when the official date was on Sunday. Let it follow its directions, starting from the certainty that the couple camped on the pitch on Friday evening ..
I could talk at the bar having heard them only on Saturday, to be good, allowing time for the Police to warn two of the hazard and then talk about it while consuming coffee. The next day, then on Sundays, lots would meet the Vanni random collection of news is allowed to participate. Another day and told him he had controlled Vanni, the tent was still there, and we are at Monday. The day before the murder Vanni told Lot to get ready, and still be good as well suppose that this was still day before that Monday, in any case the struggle would at least move the offense on Tuesday. This was the final version of the truth after the "justified" the lies of the first hour, that truth on the basis of which, without any further element of feedback was sentenced to life imprisonment on poor Mario Vanni, the same fate that probably would be affected also to Peter Pacciani had not died before.


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