Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Softball Poems And Quotes

Monster left-handed? The last round

... it is certainly a male subject, which acts only, most likely right-handed, with a semi-professional skill in the use of a firearm by a cut and know at least recreational use of firearms.

This tells us the monster of the criminological expertise Francesco De Fazio and his team. It would seem so, the study of wounds on the bodies carried out by experts at the University of Modena, the murderess who normally would use his right hand. The report, however, speaks of probability, not certainty, moreover we know that while hardly a right-handed also used his left hand, often use a left-handed then the right, especially if a child has been forced to learn it, as it was once. Most likely, the monster was really a lefty who could also use your right hand, there are two details that make it suspect.
As is known in the last two crimes within the murderess cut a female victim. On why he contented himself with only one could make a lengthy discussion, the implications are indeed remarkable result, but we will do in a forthcoming debate, now let us focus on the fact that the two chose the left on both occasions.
Roger Perugini was given a very convoluted and implausible explanation when he was assigned to the primal scene note the choice of the left breast by his monster Pietro Pacciani. Just to reiterate how many blunders are attributable to our investigators during the investigation of the Monster, I just want to remind that according to the farmer Mercatale Perugini was so impressed by the sight of naked left breast of his girlfriend who was offering his occasional lover, in 1951 , to be cut to two of his victims over three decades later. Really a late burst effect, indeed, ritardatissimo, the more so that just came out in the penultimate murder. This is a hypothesis that is not convincing at all.
The reason for choosing the left breast was probably far more simple. The reader can do a test with a woman that is open to very nice experience: pretending to wield a knife in his hand for normal use, grab one of her breasts with the other as to cut it. If you choose the right-handed right-handed if you choose the left, just as the Monster. Of course it may be that the monster was placed astride the contrary, or that he still used his right hand, crossing his arms. The latter option seems unlikely, although it seems that the lesion depart from 11 am to proceed in a clockwise direction, in this case you might think of a lefty who instinctively chooses her left breast and then uses his right hand as he can.
There is however another element that could make us favor the hypothesis Monster of a left-handed, much less obvious and evident, but even able to tell us something more: the use of a knife or a knife are more likely to get a magazine, the letters of the composition necessary for the address on the note letter mailed after Scopeti. Why did not use scissors as it would be logical? It seems that nobody has ever asked so far, then I have asked him myself.
From Wikipedia under handedness:

The left-handed people may experience difficulties in daily life as some articles are designed for manodestri ... One of the first objects that a child left tackles in childhood, are the scissors to cut a piece of paper with scissors to manodestri action can be daunting. This is due to removal of the blade when cutting.

The right-handed you cut your fingernails with scissors knows how difficult it is to use your left hand on the right, to keep the two blades cut close and well it should pull the loop with your thumb instead of push, with attendant problems of pain and weakness knuckle thrust itself. One can therefore understand why a left-handed, just might, try not to use scissors, as did the Monster for the message. While there are special scissors for left-handed with blades reversed, it is also true that they are not readily available, the more so a few decades ago.

Propato Even Daniel, Attorney General of the appeal process to the Companions of snacks, he suspected that the monster had left. Here's what he said in his submissions regarding the stabbing of Michel Kravechvili on the pitch via Scopeti:

... French, once said that it was taken with the right and stab with the left but the experts say, from right to left that does just think of a left-handed.

The boy was chased and stabbed in the back from right to left (Point of view of the Assassin), while showing his chest when he fell the assailant stabbed him from left to right. De Fazio says the report:

The change of plan in the relationship between aggressor and victim would explain the opposite direction of the blows to the chest, than vibrating the spine and neck.

It is unclear what the criminologists wanted to hear, the rest is obvious that the simplest explanation is that the knife is passed from hand to hand. In any case, a monster who could make good use of both the right and left as only a lefty can do, could better juggle between the two weapons he used his hands, gun and knife, so that could be contested simultaneously.

The fact that the monster had been accustomed to using the knife instead of scissors could also give an account of its good ability to consistently tissues of his female victims to collect his trophies. If knowledge of anatomy should be totally excluded, it must be a good decision to grant the cut, as is clear from this statement of who did the autopsies on the victims, prof. Mauro Maurri , reported by Mario Spezi in his book "Hills of Blood:

This not a surgeon. And not a butcher. The knowledge of anatomy is not ... Of course it was one that had no hesitation, one that, perhaps for a living, use some tools .


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