Monday, February 21, 2011

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SURVEY PTY Forms of Participation in Transformation "From

SURVEY PTY Forms of Participation in Transformation "

8 Febbaio 2010
WHAT It was launched February 3, 2011 the detection phase online del'indagine 'FTP Forms of Participation in Transformation', on the themes of participation and citizenship of young people aged 15 to 25 years.

CHI Research is sponsored by and funded by the Department of National Arciragazzi Youth of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers within the "YOUNG CITIZENS FOR THE CONSTITUTION" is made in Italy. The survey is carried out by CEVAS and collaborate in collecting and Scientific Committee contacts the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy responsible for the Law 285/1997 on Childhood and Adolescence, academics from different disciplines, UNICEF, the PIDIDA, many circles of Arciragazzi, ARCI National Civil Service and the Network RUM Mediterranean University, student committees of universities and colleges, youth groups, environmental organizations, local health authorities.

will contacted in March 2011, through the sites, mailing lists and links on facebook, about 2500 young people between 15 and 25.

HOW TO JOIN were activated two modes of detection: the first based on a sample of 'closed' to young people who are invited by e-mail and the second custom-defined ' OPEN 'to which everyone can join without any password and ID, in a completely anonymous. E 'need only know the link with which to access:

This link can be made online on the corporate websites and third sector organizations or individuals who wish to increase dialogue and participation of new generations and can be sent via facebook, or otherwise to persons with whom one is in contact inviting them to participate. To see examples of the online research sites, see:
WHY 'FTP The survey aims to study the relationship between participatory processes and willingness to take on forms of responsibility and civic engagement, develop active and supportive attitudes towards the future. The content covered in the questionnaire covering the type and quality of practical experience in different areas of participation opportunities for young people with a view to empowerment (in the language capabilities of Amartya Sen), the link between these and some psychosocial skills (the life skills). which are the basis of well-being more total of persons, and against the political proclivities. We will consider the use of new media and the contexts in which participation practices are learned and solidify the family, schools, associations and associative networks, peer groups and the wider local community.

A prime focus will be given to new forms of youth participation developed in recent years with the use of the Web and especially the social network. The search title: "Shapes in the transformation of participation", in fact, has the acronym FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a system of shared rules causing the transfer of information between different computers, or nodes, on the Internet. FTP is therefore a good metaphor to capture the evolution of new forms of governing participatory processes.

who complete the questionnaire will compete in the competition held by Arciragazzi under the Youth Festival to be held in Terni in May.

Local governments or institutions wishing to collaborate in the research will enjoy significant advantages given by the opportunity to learn in more depth the reality of youth, we provide a refund and discussion of the results 'custom'.

RESULTS In the first week have decided to participate in the survey 327 young people from all regions of Italy. The first data on the frequency of membership of the different regional, age and sex, are gradually updated and downloaded from / report-research-evaluation while in mid-April there will be awards sentences on the most significant issue of participation by young people and send judged by a committee of young people from different Arciragazzi Regions.

  • Laura Baldassarre - UNICEF Italy Valter Baruzzi - Director of Science Association Camina
  • Lorenzo Bocchese - Coordinator group participation PIDIDA
  • Adriana Ciampa - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Directorate-General for inclusion, social rights and corporate social responsibility division III - policies for children and adolescents
  • Cuconato Morena - University Bologna
  • Lino D'Andrea - National President Arciragazzi
  • Andrea Fantoma - Head of Department Ministry of Youth DDG Mariangela Franch - Professor University of Trento - Business Daniele Frontini - Officer of the computer ' National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) and Professor of web marketing
  • Nicole Iannaccone-Psychologist ASL Città di Milano
  • Gabriele Lenzi - lecturer at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
  • Guido Memo - Director CESIAV Centre for Studies and Initiatives for Voluntary Associations and
  • Daniela Orlandini - Psychologist and psychotherapist, Society of Psychology of Addictions, Padova
  • Licio Palazzini - National President of ARCI service Civil
  • University Professor Catherine Fish-Foro Italico Rome IUSM Sciences
  • Miretta Price - Professor of Psychology University of Rome La Sapienza


Those wishing to support the dissemination of the survey can contact us at and we can give the logo to be included on the survey sites you can look for us on facebook by including among the groups already active (see Daniel Taccone of Naples or Rome Liliana Leone)


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