Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poking Boobs With Sticks For Fun

Why stopped killing

may seem strange to choose as the first argument of these reflections the very end of each offense, but it seems to me extraordinary example of how often we have tried to explain the complexity of the place of simplicity.
As you know, the last monster of the double murder was that of September 1985 on the platform next to Via Scopeti in the town of San Casciano. Most experts thought that would not stop there, indeed, its seemed that threatened to escalate an increase in ferocity. The hope was of course that would eventually sooner or later to betray him. And instead did not kill more, back in the shadows where he had come.
One of the things that a few years after Roger Perugini guided in his search for persons suspected of being the Monster was the belief that they had stopped killing because he is unable to do so. In the famous Tuscan screening performed on affected stored in the database of the Ministry of Justice was inserted so the condition that the subject should be free during the period of the crimes and being arrested when they ended. As you know, the good intentions of the investigator that he wanted to address the investigations in a more scientific than its predecessors ended unprepared then disregarded, because the subject on which to focus its suspicions, Pietro Pacciani, was indeed arrested after being crimes but only after almost two years, so if he wanted to kill the summer of 1986, could have done. It seems weak then the hypothesis of the investigator that he did because he felt his breath on his neck after being questioned as a result of an anonymous letter, but in any case this is not the issue that I will speak today.
There is a very simple reason that most likely prompted the murderess to stop: he had run out of ammunition. already imagine a thousand mouths so wrong for an explanation trivial, but let's try to reason. In his ill-fated epic
the monster he used two types of ammunition, both brand and Winchester 22 gauge characterized by the letter H stamped on the bottom of the cartridge case. Crime in 1974 in Borgo San Lorenzo had used cartridges with lead bullets coated with copper (the same type used in 1968 in Signa, but it was not his work, as we shall see shortly), while the sequence of the six killings from 1981 to 1985 is made use of cartridges with lead bullets in the nude. In the 1983 crime being Giogoli among others used it once again one of the first type.
cartridges were sold in boxes of 50, and the number of those shot it can be argued that the Monster had to have two, one for each type. In the first of the two boxes to train drew the shot with the gun after being fortuitously entered into possession and to kill in Borgo San Lorenzo in 1974. The second drew for the 1981-1985 series of murders in which, we read "The Monster" by Michele Giuttari, the bullets used were 8 + 9 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 9 = 48 , of \u200b\u200bwhich 47 plumb naked almost the whole box. It could be a simple coincidence stop right at the threshold of 50 strokes? I would say no, even as the particles seem to agree with the figure of a murderess cool program that his crimes. The
the writer is convinced that the monster was neither a crime nor a frequenter of the character of shooting ranges, but a person who had luckily found a gun in his hand a bit 'shabby and with that he first learned to shoot in secret and then began to kill. The expert of criminology
Francesco De Fazio we read:

... ... seems to be able to grasp a better technique, as the murderer became aware of the actual possibilities and limitations of the weapon Firearms available ... In particular, one gets the impression that until the 1974 episode the slayer had still not a sure knowledge of the stopping power of his gun, so he chooses as a preferential target the victim's chest ... From 1981 onwards, however, is intended preferably to the head ... All of this limited use of the firearm , might suggest to a person not an expert, the more addicted to shooting occasional discrete with natural gifts of shooting experience with more than consumed, but he later learned, had been able to properly evaluate the potential of their weapon, much to shoot two young Germans in 1983 through the sheet-metal body of the van, actually achieving the intent .

It 'very difficult to feel for a character like that, out of the supply channels and probably no criminals to carry firearms, obtain ammunition at the very moment of maximum alert on Monster. Note also the sequence of shots decrease as in 1983, only seven with the recovery of a cartridge of the old box, and in 1984, only six, as you save up to return to full load over the chamber (8 + 1 = 9) in the last murder.
According to the writer knew the monster in front of the box of 50 bullets plumb naked open before the murder of Scandicci, once initiated the sequence of crimes from 1981 to 1985, he could not buy others, so it can be assumed that already existed in his mind a definite plan which provided for a maximum of six double murder before returning to the shadows. Evidently it was not one of those psychopaths prey to inner torments and hoping to be taken, we will see shortly that for him it was just a tragic play.


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