Monday, January 17, 2011

Pets Wonderland Malaysia

SPARTIZONE THE CAKE (The worst of the worst)

On 23 December 2010, were appointed (70% of
places), the Region of Lombardy, the new Director-General of Hospitals and ASL (Local Health).
Everything was preceded by an extensive series of articles, not only in the newspapers local but also national newspapers and on their regional inserts. Beyond intuition importance of health, what it means (?), We speak of (?) and what is behind (?) this news.

What does it mean.
In Sydney for Health will spend 16 billion public and 6 private : in total over 22 billion . An enormous sum, which dined lavishly friends and friends of friends of the directors, as, without any fear of libel, illustrate the newspapers.

What we speak.
The new leadership in charge of hospitals and local health authorities are
n number 24 in proportion to the PDL, 19 to the league, 1 UDC, 1 to PD . Li was appointed the Regional Council on a proposal from the governor Formigoni Lombarda, in agreement with the Department of Health and Luciano Bresciani Boscagli that the Julian family. The league went from 11posti to 19. Of the 24 seats of the PDL: 5 are in proportion Communion and Liberation, the former 4 AN (who see reducing their presence because of the defection of Finian in PDL), the other 15 to PDL .
It is worth mentioning, over quantity, some quality aspects. The League prevails in the provinces, which retains most of the directions of local health authorities and hospitals, as well as hospitals in Milan: San Paolo and ICP.
ASL Milan 1 stands for the appointment of Pietrogino Pezzano (PDL, former ASL Monza), at the time, photographed in the company of Mafia bosses. Stands for opportunity, given the commitments of the next three ASL Milan for controls on the work of the Expo.

The men of the PDL control four training centers (Hospital-University) of 5, two of which, the Sacco and San Gerardo di Monza, are headed by men of CL . And 'interesting to note (and it is permissible to have doubts about it) that these two hospitals are two key hospitals in the coming years, for the start of major construction investment.
"CL is an ecclesial movement whose purpose is the education to Christian maturity of its adherents and collaboration in the mission of the Church in all spheres of contemporary life." (the official site of CL)
I feel like saying, not arrogant to score away, but for those many young people of CL, which binds me sympathy and closeness of faith: " but what does a church movement with this unclean partition? and image of the Church's mission in this illicit trade on public health? "And also:" is more important to be an original voice in the choir of the composite reality of the Church or continue to build a movement para-party on the presumption that holders of the truth, feeling entitled, so, to implement the more casual pirouettes power of patronage? "

What's behind
statements, appointments to have taken place, were based in enthusiastic agreement.
"We are satisfied - says Formigoni -. The choice was made on a basis of meritocracy. Then, as required by law, directors are also connected by a relationship of trust because they have to put into effect the directions that the region from the socio-health and other planning documents. " Rejoice Bresciani: 'E' the first time that a true federalism is applied to health. " (Corriere della Sera 12/24/2010)
The premises were, however, tones very different.

" clash on health managers lasted until late at night . It will be the governor Roberto Formigoni duty to find the right arguments to put all agreed after days of incessant trading .[...] More than ever this year, negotiations are characterized by internal feuds within the individual parties: against PDL Cl, men ready to defend the former An their seats at the very heart of the PDL, the League engaged in a showdown between the Department of Health, Luciano Bresciani, and Lumbard that refer to the Secretary Federal Giancarlo Giorgetti . [...] It is taken for granted the disappearance reached retirement age [...] Joseph Spata (San Gerardo, director in defending the mayor of Monza, Marco Mariani, and the President of the Province, Dario Allevi ). "
the face of the sick and health of citizens,
this climate of division wild, justified in the name of federalism and of the votes, makes it look like innocent follies the old ways of patronage and divider of Christian Democrats and Socialists, whose thundering denunciation in the past has made the political fortunes of the League.
Today, the same League did not despise them, indeed, has found a way to quickly learn to sit and share this tide of business and money and health Lombard. The witness who was a direct actor in regional policy: " [...] is indeed the health of Lombard to be distorted. It is a system that leads to multiplication of operations . A support is the former commissioner Alessandro Cè now come to the regional director's term of office . [...] "I'm going to be a doctor. Sa, I believed in the League. And I always did what we said in the institutions in the squares. [...] Since 2005 I [...] call me Roberto Calderoli, Roberto Maroni , Umberto Bossi: 'Change Department, go to the Territory, we can not more to cover you. I reply: "Do not even think about it. I prepare a reform of the system. Resist until the spring of 2007. So I oppose attempts to privatize the 118, the system of regional emergency. It is the straw that breaks the camel's back. I understand that the League supports me more . On March 17, do the d release for. " He is replaced by the personal physician of Bossi: Luciano Bresciani " (the daily 05/05/2010)
the Department of Health. I am a doctor, I realize something. I knew I found the hands of the parties on hospitals, but it did not expect: to control everything, share everything. and Communion and Liberation is the host . I raise this problem immediately, relying on the support of my party. directly accused Formigoni to control militarily the entire health Lombard. And he I remove the proxies.
One has the distinct feeling that, regardless of the part that is closer and it is considered most suitable to govern, necessary, by every citizen, a responsible action to control and constructive criticism ( even to his own party), otherwise a continuous deterioration of the common coexistence. There is however too often, a search for uncritical justifications given for the most part restricted to comparisons with those who think differently, to which imposes substantially equal, if not worse, behavior. This does not enhance the continued growth of the personal consciousness of responsibility civic, human values \u200b\u200bessential to implement significant, despite the inevitable limitations and errors of all our actions. In addition, there is a strong feeling that more and more lacking in too many party leaders or movements, intellectual honesty and material that needed to judge, fight and overcome the distortions of the various systems of public management.

The issue is the reality of Macherio.
Beyond the desire to change, the consequent legitimacy of the vote and the honor and burden of administration entrusted to a new company by the majority of citizens macheriesi emerge unacceptable behavior, borrowed dall'andazzo general national policy. The junta door gives it every day, try this in the manipulation of information, a lack of ideal capacity and management that results in an absence of substantial interest of the common public good, in a worrying tendency towards commercialism, and not least, a heavy reliance on political parties, resulting in interference in the lives of those administrative Macherio.
The recent
"painful" incident of resignation Velutti councilor, symbolically demonstrates the inability of dialogue and exchange between different actors forming the majority itself. The story, which is painful for style (this same Velutti, absolutely quiet, has been sent in his resignation from City Council leader Slow PDL), it is primarily for content. Worth to note, in fact, that the disagreement came in the preliminaries of the affair began, now far from being ended, the redevelopment of the former area of \u200b\u200bCatenificio Fossati, on a pond.
To be human and conscious search for values \u200b\u200bmore qualifying our human scale, even for macheriesi, as for everyone, there is an obligation to exercise, in addition to private, a public responsibility, and took the weight, which is not Payout closing the door of your front door.
(Corriere della Sera 23/12/2010)


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