Saturday, December 13, 2008. Topic: "Allah Allah out of here," yell as the League present, making the soundtrack to slogan on the banner "Bareggia Christian, Muslim never" run by capintesta (including the Mayor just Porta), many of which were revived for the occasion of their Christian vocation, forgotten the day of her First Communion.
Guest of Honour: Mr Mario Borghezio, which referred to the Archbishop of Milan, with these words: "Tettamanzi pilloried, Sant'Ambrogio is ashamed." And jabbering away at this rate.
Beside him, on the stage erected in the square (the church!), Rested the triumphant leader of the Macherio League, later elected mayor, Giancarlo door. That some time after he confided that he felt a bit 'embarrassed by the intervention of senior colleague. Embarrassed, just as is the delicate stomach. Overtime is asked a guy like Borghezio, which are very well known extremist positions and the truculent language, and then you feel embarrassed.
I almost prefer it to be in his insulting frankness, Mr MEP at least he is not embarrassed, that is not hypocritical.
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