Thursday, December 30, 2010

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four Saturday December, after several references and with the consent of all, has finally been able to inaugurate the new clinic in Macherio, the Hospital San Gerardo di Monza. The clinic will rise, as is known, within the walls of the former middle school in Via Italy, as the current junta took over a year ago, in defiance of agreements already elapsed between the former mayor Redaelli and the Director of the Hospital, Dr. Joseph Spata, who saw the seat in the current structure that houses the Municipality.
The event was attended by less than a hundred people, including Councillors and Councillors of Municipal Macherio, Opposition Councillors, employees, physicians and staff of St. Gerard and citizenship sensitive to the issue.
about an hour's event was attended by the mayor of Macherio, Port , the Chief Executive of the Hospital San Gerardo di Monza, Dr. Spata, director of the University dental clinic Milano-Bicocca and teaching degree in Dentistry, Professor Baldoni, the Regional Director (Northern League) and former City Councillor Monza, Romeo Massimiliano and finally the Dean the faculty of medicine at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Andrea Stella .

As with any opening, compliments each other among the speakers were wasted on her excellent work during the year, the close cooperation of the parties, the idea of \u200b\u200brelocation
outpatient San Gerardo di Monza, the choice of Macherio as the host country of the structure. "So far so good " would say, or all according to script.

But like in the movie " Hatred" (see quote above), the problem was not the flight down from the building of a character who is aware of falling, pretends that everything is fine, but the terrible impact on the ground.
Even in the case of the clinic, the choice of location, negotiation carried out, the problems that arise between probably take us a while to say that the impact was hard . Hard for the City of Macherio and citizenship. Why?.

initial intervention because of the event, the Mayor carries with pride we would like to reiterate a key point of negotiation with the San Gerardo, " in this stable twenty years will be the owners "- referring to Mr. Spata and below -" therefore we (editor's note, the City of Macherio) we will be guests .
The facility in question is owned by the city. E 'right to be guests on "home"? . You will give your home to anyone for twenty years without even a yearly rental?. Moreover, the structure will be used not only by Macheriesi but a lot of the nearby population, see Biassono, Sovico, Albi, Triuggio, part of Liss. It would have been more just ask a lease, maybe not tall, but he was going to support banks Macherio, instead of remaining in the cold for twenty years.

The idea of \u200b\u200brent had also had the Mayor of Biassono that contributes to the clinic and that only because of the slow pace of renovation work (against Biassono) hypothetical home was not awarded the clinic.
Thus, although it was offered to Mr. Spata very good offer not to be missed: a cost
relatively low (proportional to income) for the adjustment of the hospital building and in practice for twenty years zero costs.

The clinic will be held the following specialties: cardiology and electrocardiography, dermatology, surgery-breast, diabetes, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynecology, Angiology, neurology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, pulmonology, urology and dentistry.
nell'inaugurazione also has never been shown how was the choice of these specializations: it is clear that the San Gerardo has put his word. But the City?. Primary care physicians in the area, had space?. We'll never know, but we hope c'abbiamo guessed that.

Because the relocation of clinics in the territory that Mr. Spata has wanted in recent years, it is understandable and correct, supported by Regione Lombardia. The project will
" to decongest the activities of the headquarters of the Hospital (which will focus on interventions to patients with second and third degree) and hence get closer to citizens directly in the territory .
However, the forum selected congestionerĂ  Macherio roadway from the point of view: the structure is in the center, side by side businesses, community services, library and limited parking. When the clinic is fully implemented it is inevitable to think how and where you should park in view of the amount of people who arrive in Macherio (also touted by the Mayor in his speech) that will add to existing workers. The road will be a critical point and even the parking lots "on time" will be a big problem for users at risk a fine.
We'll see.

Andrea Casiraghi


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