Monday, February 28, 2011

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The dynamics of Baccaiano

We have seen the previous post as an alternative to the official reconstruction of the dynamics of the double murder of Baccaiano proposal Advocate Nino Filastò face water from all sides: to solve a problem it introduces many more. The problem to solve, remember, is the discrepancy between the testimonies of children who had first spoken to Paolo Mainardi seen sitting in the driving seat, and the ambulance arrived later that he had been found on the back seat.
Let's see a possible reconstruction of whole dynamic in which he will also address the problem of the discrepancy between the two testimonies. I shall avail myself of the photos posted on Caliber 22 ( here) and the schemino below. In it are indicated with red rectangles the initial position of the car down on the pitch and end up riding the brink of the ditch. By the numbers shows the nine shell casings found in the timeline that the writer assumed as a logical. The shells are then associated with two wounds to the head of Antony, the four of Paul, two to the head, a left shoulder and jaw and then fired two shots in the headlights. A cartridge case must remain for a shot went in vain. The reconstruction proposed here is not some claim to be the only possible, especially in the sequence of shots fired, it only proves to be reasonable in any case, any criticism would be welcome, provided that interest to someone do it, this does not seem very real.

The beginning of the aggression. The presence on the floor of the car of a condom containing semen tied on with an empty bag and a paper towel stained with semen indicate the consumption of a recent sexual intercourse, especially as the two young men had left the house about an hour first of being attacked. The report was likely to be consumed over the front seats reclined, and certainly not uncomfortable on the back seat of utilitarianism, a Fiat 127 Seat 147 is identical to a good memory. In the photo page 8A 22 gauge you can see the driver's side seat partially reclined in the passenger seat 3 photos completely lifted. The two boys were quite clearly preparing to leave, and, considering that Antonella Migliorini was found on the rear bench, one can only think that the boyfriend had done the courtesy to raise them to the back seat of his (notoriously tricky maneuver on small cars than once, with a knob at times hard to turn), while she, rannicchiatasi behind maneuvering, ended to put in place before returning to the front. E 'reasonable to assume that the interior light was on, as indeed he was spotted by a witness who passed the pitch minutes before the attack. The monster came out just as Paul was pulling on his back, left it in half, giving him the time before starting to shoot the start up and engage the reverse gear to escape. The boy did not, however, took the handbrake, or at least not completely, in fact, was found shot to two-thirds. When leaving the murderess was able to shoot the first 3 shots, shattering the driver's side window and hitting Paul is not serious in his left shoulder Antonella and twice in the head, killing her.
It can be assumed that the target was always the guy tried, and that she is on the line for two shots fruitless, being seated on the right side of the rear bench.

The displacement of the car. As the car was relegated the murderess moved by going back and firing shots 4 or 5, yet the first through the window hitting Paul on the left side of the jaw, as he turned to the right to see the road, the other to the medium that was gaining speed, however, missing the target. The car then ended with the rear wheels in the ditch on the other side of the road. While Paul tried to share but unable to engage the first for the difficulty of maneuvering the clutch without the support of the backrest, the murderess came # 6 firing the shot that left the middle ear through the windshield making it wear out on the seat. Apparently the victim was struck with the head turned to the right while trying to understand what was happening to his girl or the situation of the land.

The preparation for the cutting of the pubis. At this point the murderess had not yet lost hope of being able to enjoy the macabre excision of the pubis, and then first thought to turn off the lights stayed on, firing projectiles at 7:08 at the front and smashing kick those positions. It 'just this last act that demonstrates his willingness to continue with the cut despite the compromised situation, because if the knock out the lights could also be placed during the run-up to the car not to be dazzled, turn off the lights position had no other reasons than those of the darkened area to limit the danger that someone would stop.
When remove the girl from inside the car but noticed that the door was locked from the inside on his side. Then turned the other side to remove the keys from the dashboard through the window now no glass, turn off the interior light if it was still burning.

The arrival of the boys: While the monster was planned for the usual end, the two cars came with the four boys, so he had to hide in the dark around there, maybe even behind ' car at the bottom of the ditch if there was a dry place. Probably with an automatic gesture, put his keys in his pocket just taken. This was the moment when Paolo Mainardi was heard breathing down on the front seat. All participants then ran for help.

Moving Paul accepting the validity of conflicting evidence about the position of Paul Mainardi, we must assume its displacement during the time interval between the departure of four boys and the arrival of stretcher bearers. The poor have been shown to have a very strong fiber, remaining alive for several hours after the attack, in addition we suppose that the Monster, hidden near the car, had not yet fired the fourth shot, the more devastating. Then Paul, after having seen the arrival of the boys may have recovered a lucid moment dragging, facilitated by the back of his seat partially lowered, the rear bench to be close to his girlfriend while awaiting the relief. Unfortunately, the monster was hiding near the car, and, realizing that Paul was still alive and thinking of the danger of a witness who had seen him, put his hand inside the car through the broken window and hit him behind the left ear while it was turned to Antonio. The ejected cartridge case was found on the right rear pad, clearly bounced first on the left wall.

Escape. At this point, the monster could do was flee, and during the trip got rid of the keys that he had put in his pocket. Unfortunately you can not understand where these keys were found, perhaps rather far from the scene of the crime, and therefore their position could make us guess the area where the car was parked murderer.
seems unconnected to the crime scene somewhere around the discovery of an empty box of a sedative, the Norzetam, which some think might be served at the monster to overcome a panic attack. Considering that the effect comes after a half hour would be very strange if the murderess, committed to escape the imminent arrival of relief, had taken a tablet near the site of the murders. Probably someone had thrown out the window of her car passing in front of it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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The Razor Filastò

Of all the murders attributed to the dual monster Florence in 1982 to Baccaiano is certainly the most difficult to interpret, not because his motives are always the same as for its dynamics. The fact that the murderess does not make a macabre ritual removal of the pubic area is widely considered a consequence of the pressure of events, and not a choice. But where there are many different ideas and the progress of omicidaria. I invite the reader, before continuing to read well on the Caliber 22 page dedicated , where beautiful pictures and excellent considerations (some of which made my own) can help you better understand what is being discussed.
The crime was the only one in which the means mechanism was moved from the starting point of aggression. When the monster began to shoot it, the car carrying Antonella Migliorini and Paolo Mainardi was parked in a lay-by adjacent to the current road in the town of New Virginia Montespertoli, as witnessed by three shells and fragments of glass left front broken, as rescuers found it on the opposite side of the road with the rear wheels finished in the kennel side, hopelessly blocked. According to the official story, the Monster had surprised the two lovers as they were composing after sex (as evidenced by a condom containing semen found on board), her on the back seat, him in the front seat. The boy was probably already aware of the danger before the murderess opened fire, igniting the engine and engaging the reverse gear to flee, given that the car was parked with its tail on the road. The show had started shooting continued even during the course of the car in reverse, until this had not stopped in that position already. Two more rounds to turn off the headlights and one with his hand inside the vehicle for delivering the coup de grace to the boy. The keys were taken out of context and thrown away. The arrival of two cars with four guys on board who seemed suspicious from the scene of an accident they flee the aggressor. The people who took part knew at once what had happened and called for help, which pulled out unconscious but alive Paolo Mainardi, while Antonella Migliorini there was nothing to do. Even though the boy died a few hours later without regaining consciousness.
This reconstruction was confirmed in principle by the statements of so-called repentant Giancarlo Lotti during the trial of Mario Vanni, and then challenged these hard defender of the Advocate, Nino Filastò, who wanted to demonstrate that the lot was lying. The complaint was based on the testimony of the rescuers intervened after the first alarm given by the boys rushed to the scene. If in fact the latter had claimed to have Paolo Mainardi seen sitting in the driver's seat, the stretcher bearers who rescued reported to have found it sitting next to his girlfriend on the back seat. Giving credence to this second testimony and it considered the other an error due to the heat of the moment, the lawyer suggested, therefore, a reconstruction of the completely different, you can read in his book "History of snacks infamous" to p. 381-388. According to the time of the attack Filastò Antoine and Paul are both on the back seat still willing to make love after a previous relationship. After being hit, the Monster would have started driving the car to move in a less conspicuous place in order can be made with greater confidence excision of the pubis, as the car was clearly visible from the busy street New Virginia. But during the maneuver in reverse out the murderess was disturbed by the reaction of the girl, writes Filastò still alive and , which fired the fatal blow while losing control of the car crash that ended well for the position in which was later found. After trying unsuccessfully to restart the monster would come out to shoot the latest hits to the lights stayed on and still with Paul Mainardi, then flee help arrives.
Unfortunately the reconstruction of the lawyer has many weaknesses that make it cumbersome and wholly implausible, making him forget his beloved principle of "Occam's Razor", which states that the simplest solution is always preferable. Actually it's not even the only case where this happens, we will see in future posts, so much so that one could speak of "Razor Filastò", a revised and corrected according to its criteria of the original. Let
still major weaknesses in the reconstruction of Filastò.

The position of both boys on the back seat can not find any justification. If they wanted to make love because they do not lower the front seat backrests, as everyone would have done? In fact the car was found with the back of the driver's seat almost all the way down (but not entirely), as you can see from the photo on page 8A of the Caliber 22. The back of the front seat passenger side was completely hand raised (photo 3, however, must be enlarged to understand it). This scenario describes well a time when the two boys were about to leave, as we shall see later.

Paolo Mainardi If at the time of the attack was in the back seat, because the bullets shattered the glass front window?

seems incomprehensible Filastò reconstruction of the position of some of the shells traced. It was found three on the space next to the fragments of broken glass (the driver), witnessing the beginning of the aggression. Why did the Monster would be limited to only fire three times now completely non-neutralizing its victims, as he had and would always do that? Two other shells were found just off the pitch by the roadside, perhaps one of the two still inside the lot but in any case with the three above. In the reconstruction Filastò not clear when they would be fired. The monster, after leaving the car stuck, he crossed the street to shoot from the opposite? Why?

The exit from the pitch back down in a busy street seems more the gesture of a person in panic rather than that of a murderess proved always cold in his actions. More logical would be to do some maneuvering to get out with the muzzle on.

The car was found with the reverse gear engaged and the parking brake partially engaged. If the monster had been driving was first lowered the handbrake, but understandably not maneuver carried out by Paolo Mainardi panic. Then attempting to refloat the machine logic would say that the driver would have to engage first. The vehicle was not in fact in a quagmire, where a back and forth could possibly do the job, but tilted dangerously to the brink of a ditch, therefore, any backward movement would have worsened the situation. The injured boy is understandable that there is not able to change gears.

The extensive blood stain on the driver's seat (Fig. 8A to Caliber page 22) does not seem to be justified by the flood that Filastò assumed to be released from the wounds of Paul Mainardi while being pulled out.

Finally, the testimony of the first speakers, that they realized that Paul was still alive hearing him breathe. How could they have confused about his position? If they were heard to breathe a few inches. On the other hand, even the testimony of the ambulance did not appear to be challenged, then there must be an explanation that the lawyer, in his anxiety to prove the lies of the lot, does not even take into consideration. We will attempt here, in the next post.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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hypothesis "Carlo" A screening

Among the hypotheses that attempt to explain the mystery of the passage of the gun between the group that supposedly killed in the Monster Signa and there is a proposal by Mario Spezi in his "Hills of Blood". The journalist tells of a Belgian writer named Ethel who would come into possession of a copy of a complaint of theft at home by Salvatore Vinci. The theft would have occurred in June 1974, three months before the murder of Borgo San Lorenzo, the first of the Monster. Ethel is a fancy name, but the person is real, and should correspond to Magdalen NABBA, now deceased English writer who lived in Florence and wrote a book in English The Monster Of Florence that she did not want to be published in Italian.
Returning to the complaint of theft, it must be said that Salvatore Vinci, surveys conducted as part of Track Sarda and journalistic reconstructions is the same Spezi both Cecioni and Monastra in their book, it seemed somehow been the organizer of the crime of Signa, among other things, that procured the gun, free from a relative of Villacidro his home in Sardinia. In addition Stefano Mele, on the order made by the gun, after the first version where it said he threw it away near the scene of the crime, claims to have returned had they given to Salvatore Vinci.
The theft report was not shown what was stolen, in fact, a complaint of theft would seem that most of trespassing. The hypothesis of Ethel, who endorses Mario Spezi, what was in that theft would be reduced by the infamous Beretta 22-caliber cartridge that includes the box with the left after the murder of Signa. Who stole the gun would then become the dreaded Monster of Florence. For the moment let's forget that the character is listed as author of the theft and then future (very unlikely) serial killer, let's concentrate on the fact that enough water is already on its behalf. Who says that the gun was among the stolen items, especially among the things to steal?
It 'hard to believe that Salvatore Vinci took home for six years in a weapon that would have accused of a crime, even with the box of cartridges remaining, further evidence against him. More so that the character is described by Mario Spezi as a very shrewd. Not only that, Salvatore Vinci with his DECLARED implicitly told the Police: "If found the Beretta 22 gauge with which they were killed Barbara Locci and Antonio Lo Bianco tenetemela part because it is mine! .
Let us now turn to the person who allegedly stole the possible future show. In "Hills of Blood" is given a fancy name "Charles", who then also marked the whole situation, but there is nothing that reinvent the wheel, identifying him with Antonio Vinci, son of Salvatore and Barbarina Steri, fifteen in 1974. The boy would react to the trauma of the loss of his mother, perhaps, perhaps killed by her father committed suicide, putting to kill couples with the same gun Signa. This is quite clearly a case of romance, without any evidence. In "Hills of Blood" is looking for some way to strengthen it by invoking some sort of compatibility with the figure of Antonio Vinci known FBI profile, where U.S. experts had traced an identikit psychological monster, very coarse-grained to say the truth. There is no need here to comment on these parallels laughable leggerseli invite the interested reader to the book (p. 241), here I give just one example:

The Americans have made a murderess who usually try to get this type of in contact with the police groped for detecting or otherwise, to pilfer the news. Our guy did the informant of the police.

The coincidences are of this type, the reader may judge for themselves of their minimum thickness. Finally common sense is hard to see in a young man guilty of murder in the first 15 years and 26 last, moreover, described as beautiful and defiant, and not at all iposessuato, despite a formal annulment of marriage impotentia coeundi . The coincidence that from January 1975 to the end of 1980, then in the period in which the dual murders ceased, the character had lived in northern Italy does not prove anything, if anything, we would wonder why he was so fond of the area around Florence, where he enjoyed killing could have done elsewhere.
The very fact that the book ends with an interview with the supposed monster in which serious allegations are dealt with tarallucci and Sardinian myrtle, shows that this is a gimmick to give a sop the reader of the book is at the end without a fault, in which the protagonist must surely have given his consent in question. How can we believe in fact that Anthony Vinci has not exercised the thousand American lawyers willing to represent him for free for a fair share of damages that certainly could have asked for the serious and unsubstantiated accusation? It appears that the United States has circulated his picture with a lot of information: "Here's the Monster of Florence". A real trick, in fact.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Some of those who believe that whoever killed a Signa in 1968 was not the monster but the apples with accomplices solve the problem of handover gun in a radical way: just did not happen, then two different weapons were used. The assumption of course clashes with the results of ballistics, because the two shell casings recovered from the old file on the murder resulted Signa expelled from the same gun used in subsequent crimes. But according to proponents of the theory of different guns, the two shells were placed in the file by the same monster that replaced the old and came from an entirely different weapon with two of his. And this in order to send investigators out of the way that it will peg away for years trying to get away without a monster among the Sardinians from a spider hole, while the killer was killing Florentine undisturbed. In short, a real screening, to complete the monster who sent an anonymous note to the Carabinieri who invited them to go check that old crime.
The anonymous note sent in all probability the very after the murder of Baccaiano in 1982, but this of course does not mean that he also made the replacement of the cartridge cases, if in fact the Monster was a character totally alien to the clan of the Sardinians who had killed in 1968 and came into possession of the gun behind their backs, the result did not change, and in all probability this was the case. But let us see the weaknesses of the theory that would replace the Monster Signa cartridge cases in the file. First our
have been so fortunate to have available in the historical crimes just a double homicide occurred in the area around Florence consumed a few years before his 1974 and above all committed with a .22-caliber gun like the one he used for more ever found. Not only in the area around Florence but throughout Italy there would be to find another crime of that type. It would be enough already to make this place the hypothesis between romance fantasies.
If we accept the sheer luck that the Monster would have helped him to find just the crime, it remains unclear how he would do to access the old file. The first thing was to be a judge or something like that, having permission to enter the archive the Court of Assizes of Perugia, where the issue lay buried among thousands of others. And no one should have been aware of it, despite the probable controls. If such a scene can feel comfortable in a crime movie, in reality it is hard to accept.
Finally it can be assumed that the ballistics expert who had made the general Innocent Zuntini contained in the dossier were provided with photographs of the shells examined, the Monster would replace those too? It should also be considered that the general, while a senior in 1982 was still well and could intervene if the matter had been subject to manipulation. According Filastò (History of the infamous snacks, p. 113) even then was considered Zuntini as a probable model of the gun a Beretta 73/74 too old, worn and shabby, exactly what had turned out to experts who had dealt with the crimes later.
Finally, the two shells in the file there should have been, it was the sake of Zuntini to prevent their destruction, instead of sending them to the National Division Artillery process is completed, he appended them to the file (History of snacks infamous p.112). In short, the Monster would be lucky to find a similar crime committed with a gun to her like his own which never found and the file still contains the shells that normally would not have been there. A bit too real.

So the hypothesis replacement of cartridge cases from the Monster Signa is good to put aside the confusion in the story is already too much. Of course, remains the mystery of how did this gun change hands. In one of the next post will examine the hypothesis "Charles" by Mario Spezi.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Who killed Barbara Locci? A lie

Any attempt to reconstruct the whole affair has always had to deal with an enigma until now remained unsolved: what they were links between the first of the eight double murder, that of Signa in 1968, probably made by a group of people who revolved around the dead woman, including her husband Stefano Mele and later made by the Monster?
Barbara Locci and Antonio Lo Bianco had been killed by the same .22-caliber Beretta, ever found, with which it had subsequently been made seven double murder of the killer in Florence, testified the cartridge cases found at crime scenes, all marked unequivocally the same footprint with a striker. The victims were always educated couples in the intimacy of a loving relationship, but the motive was very different: in the first case it was jealousy or interest, and this had been sentenced the husband of the woman killed in other criminal instincts of a maniac but could not be Stefano Mele, in prison in 1974 and later host of an institution controlled.
For years the so-called Track Sarda tried to find the explanation in the idea that Stefano Mele had an accomplice who would later manifest manic behaviors killing other couples with the gun remained in his possession. But years of stubborn investigation did not lead to any results, if not to convince investigators that the crime of 1968, fixed at the time with only the condemnation of the woman's husband, had instead been made by a group of persons belonging to its environment family, including him and also an ex-lover of Barbara Locci, Salvatore Vinci. The motive was probably to be found in the desire to get rid of a woman with her libertine behavior discredit the entire group. But if the monster was not among those people, who had taken the gun to kill again couples years later with manic mode?
To solve the riddle of the passage of the gun someone thought it well to deny the problem: even a Signa in 1968 would have done the Monster in his first, and then Stefano Mele and others were unrelated to the fact. It was the view of Roger Perugini, for example, who wrote in his book "A man apparently normal" (p.79):

Advance at once that I took the liberty to consider the murder of 1968 as a clerk by the same hand even if that fact had already been sentenced Stefano Mele, husband of the woman killed. This is because, after all, do not believe in fairy tales: including that of a gun being found by accident (along with ammunition) from a stranger passing through. That's because, if you see some tiny mania, using them to kill seven other couples in love.

pity then that the detective, accusing Pacciani, invented an improbable story in which Miranda slipped Bugli, ex-girlfriend of peasant Mercatale for which he was killed in 1951, that twist of fate, lived just Lastra a Signa, a village of Barbara Locci .. It would be Pacciani was therefore, rejected by his ex once went to see her, out of anger to kill the two lovers apart. Nice story, but without any evidence that the votes a minimum, as all the accusations against Pacciani theories, moreover, always and only based on mere suspicion without any real feedback.
But even among those who believe in the innocence of Pacciani there are those who reject the attribution of the crime of Signa Stefano Mele and his companions, such as Nino Filastò, lawyer Mario Vanni. According to him even that far-off double murder had manic motivation, as demonstrated by manipulation of the corpse of a woman who was taken from a prone position on the seat beside the man and reassembled pulling up her pants down and covering her bare legs with her dress. It would therefore have been the monster in his first murder to kill time. The lawyer brings many elements to support its argument, but this is not the place to discuss them, because their interpretation in a slightly different lead away to a workaround that the writer believes that most likely, and perhaps in a next post will be shown.

also give the Monster Signa's murder certainly would solve the problem of the passage of the gun to his roots, because it denies. Unfortunately the reality does not allow it, at least that can be deduced by logic, Signa because the husband of Barbara Locci there, and it is quite likely that with him there were other people. I do not want to dwell on the reasons already known, like the fact that the dress the woman (and pull up his pants with him) seems to be the act of a husband who is ashamed to find it half-naked on her lover, or the details of the scene Stefano Mele showed that the crime of knowing (arrow remained on, the number of shots fired, the White sfilatasi shoe from the foot). I would rather deal with Natalie, son of Barbara Locci and Stefano Mele, as we know, was in the car who was sleeping when her mother was killed.
According to the theory that attributes the Monster Signa also the crime of the child would have covered more than two miles of dirt road in the dark of a moonless night and then ring the doorbell of Francesco De Felice, who asked for help, telling of the crime and to have arrived there alone. Already it seems hard to believe that even a child of seven years has managed to take nearly two and a half kilometers of rocky road alone in the dark of night without a moon, even without injury, especially at the foot of which had only socks. The fact that these appear to be dirty is certainly explained by the moments in which he was placed on the ground, both for the fatigue of the crew on the long journey for the final phase in which it was made to find the door of De Felice. It also seems strange that, having witnessed the murder and he made that terrible journey was very quiet at the moment he reappeared. But all this has already been said and written many times. I would rather draw the attention of the reader two elements overlooked.

The first concerns the subsequent statements by the child, who were always hesitant, but in any case to contradict those of the first hour while asserting that he would accompany his father asking him to mention his presence. Try to read here. There are those who surrender to give importance to these statements, found it impossible to distinguish the truth from the lies and fantasies, but the writer is not agree. Ignoring other elements that were called into question other people and that could have resulted from pressure from family or revision of the child, focus on two main versions, either alone or with his father. Which one would be a lie? If you mention the presence of the father may be justified by the assumption that the child was explicitly told not to mention that fact to prevent the involvement, the story as the presence is justified if it was not the truth? Why Natalino would tell a lie like that?

The second element relates to the statements of Francesco De Felice, who, when he heard the doorbell, looked at his watch 2:00 and saw that it was the exact, not a minute more nor a minute less, as the minutes of the Police reported here. Possible that of all the times in which the child could reach the house where he played just happened to be the more round? A very suspicious coincidence, explained well with an agreement between those who had committed the crime he had to return home before the alarm and an accomplice in the latter visited the child, " you play the child at 2 " , observed agreement too literally. As it happens, next to the house of De Felice was one of Silvano Vargas, a friend of Salvatore Vinci, who also gave him the false alibi for the night of the murder, and who could play the role required. Other homes closest to the site of the killings were rather neglected.
that by becoming bigger, Natalino Mele has never told the truth is fully explained both by the trauma and the desire to keep for himself the terrible things that would still put in the center of attention not required.

The mystery of the passage of the gun and then remains in all its inexplicably, the reader But keep in mind that Conan Doyle had Sherlock Holmes say in "The Sign of Four": E Limina the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth .

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SURVEY PTY Forms of Participation in Transformation "From

SURVEY PTY Forms of Participation in Transformation "

8 Febbaio 2010
WHAT It was launched February 3, 2011 the detection phase online del'indagine 'FTP Forms of Participation in Transformation', on the themes of participation and citizenship of young people aged 15 to 25 years.

CHI Research is sponsored by and funded by the Department of National Arciragazzi Youth of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers within the "YOUNG CITIZENS FOR THE CONSTITUTION" is made in Italy. The survey is carried out by CEVAS and collaborate in collecting and Scientific Committee contacts the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy responsible for the Law 285/1997 on Childhood and Adolescence, academics from different disciplines, UNICEF, the PIDIDA, many circles of Arciragazzi, ARCI National Civil Service and the Network RUM Mediterranean University, student committees of universities and colleges, youth groups, environmental organizations, local health authorities.

will contacted in March 2011, through the sites, mailing lists and links on facebook, about 2500 young people between 15 and 25.

HOW TO JOIN were activated two modes of detection: the first based on a sample of 'closed' to young people who are invited by e-mail and the second custom-defined ' OPEN 'to which everyone can join without any password and ID, in a completely anonymous. E 'need only know the link with which to access:

This link can be made online on the corporate websites and third sector organizations or individuals who wish to increase dialogue and participation of new generations and can be sent via facebook, or otherwise to persons with whom one is in contact inviting them to participate. To see examples of the online research sites, see:
WHY 'FTP The survey aims to study the relationship between participatory processes and willingness to take on forms of responsibility and civic engagement, develop active and supportive attitudes towards the future. The content covered in the questionnaire covering the type and quality of practical experience in different areas of participation opportunities for young people with a view to empowerment (in the language capabilities of Amartya Sen), the link between these and some psychosocial skills (the life skills). which are the basis of well-being more total of persons, and against the political proclivities. We will consider the use of new media and the contexts in which participation practices are learned and solidify the family, schools, associations and associative networks, peer groups and the wider local community.

A prime focus will be given to new forms of youth participation developed in recent years with the use of the Web and especially the social network. The search title: "Shapes in the transformation of participation", in fact, has the acronym FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a system of shared rules causing the transfer of information between different computers, or nodes, on the Internet. FTP is therefore a good metaphor to capture the evolution of new forms of governing participatory processes.

who complete the questionnaire will compete in the competition held by Arciragazzi under the Youth Festival to be held in Terni in May.

Local governments or institutions wishing to collaborate in the research will enjoy significant advantages given by the opportunity to learn in more depth the reality of youth, we provide a refund and discussion of the results 'custom'.

RESULTS In the first week have decided to participate in the survey 327 young people from all regions of Italy. The first data on the frequency of membership of the different regional, age and sex, are gradually updated and downloaded from / report-research-evaluation while in mid-April there will be awards sentences on the most significant issue of participation by young people and send judged by a committee of young people from different Arciragazzi Regions.

  • Laura Baldassarre - UNICEF Italy Valter Baruzzi - Director of Science Association Camina
  • Lorenzo Bocchese - Coordinator group participation PIDIDA
  • Adriana Ciampa - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Directorate-General for inclusion, social rights and corporate social responsibility division III - policies for children and adolescents
  • Cuconato Morena - University Bologna
  • Lino D'Andrea - National President Arciragazzi
  • Andrea Fantoma - Head of Department Ministry of Youth DDG Mariangela Franch - Professor University of Trento - Business Daniele Frontini - Officer of the computer ' National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) and Professor of web marketing
  • Nicole Iannaccone-Psychologist ASL Città di Milano
  • Gabriele Lenzi - lecturer at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
  • Guido Memo - Director CESIAV Centre for Studies and Initiatives for Voluntary Associations and
  • Daniela Orlandini - Psychologist and psychotherapist, Society of Psychology of Addictions, Padova
  • Licio Palazzini - National President of ARCI service Civil
  • University Professor Catherine Fish-Foro Italico Rome IUSM Sciences
  • Miretta Price - Professor of Psychology University of Rome La Sapienza


Those wishing to support the dissemination of the survey can contact us at and we can give the logo to be included on the survey sites you can look for us on facebook by including among the groups already active (see Daniel Taccone of Naples or Rome Liliana Leone)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Giancarlo Lotti

From an article in La Repubblica published April 2, 2002, on the occasion of the death of Giancarlo Lotti:

"No, no I think he brought no secret to the grave, "says Michele Giuttari, the head of the flying squad of Florence who gathered little by little confession:" I think Giancarlo Lotti has said all he knew. "

I wonder if today after eight years, the investigator is still the same opinion? Giancarlo Lotti it probably would have had a lot of things still to say surely many of those who said they were of enormous lies. In a previous post we saw how the exceptional Advocate Vieri Adriani document made available on its website ( The crime of Scopeti, Vieri Adriani ) has allowed us to make a clean sweep of stone circles that led to some credit Esoteric track. Here we will use the same document to prove that even the latest version of the crime of Scopeti told by Giancarlo Lotti was false. Forget the previous versions, whose false Michele Giuttari were justified by the idea, unlikely, that the lot she needed some 'time to open, and attorneys for plaintiffs with the more logical, which tries to diminish its responsibility. We will go directly to its latest version, the one on which he based the outcome of the process to the Companions of snacks as regards the part of the Crime of Scopeti away.
Forget also the backdating of the crime, accepting the good, the date of Sunday, September 8, 1985, although evidence colossal force them to go much further back. We will take into account only when the two poor tourists camped on the pitch he would see the their death. The document Vieri Adriani lawyer tells us unequivocally that date was Friday, 6 in the evening after dinner Cerbaia where they came from Pisa. Witness the receipt of a meal at a pizzeria in the city of the Leaning Tower found among their belongings.
But now we feel the way Giancarlo Lotti told her approach with a pair of hapless French tourists and the subsequent interaction with Mario Vanni, as reported by Michele Giuttari in "The Monster" (p. 205-206):

Three or four days before the murder I was at the bar Central San Casciano and felt that the customers were talking about a tent and a car that were in the pitch of Scopeti. People were amazed and said it was dangerous to be there and also remember that the police patrol to the patrons said they had done this to this couple to go away because it was dangerous. He also said that the couple wanted to find a board to stay and no place had camped there.
The day after hearing this talk at the bar, I met Mario in Piazzone of San Casciano and told him what I had heard telling him that I was not sure if the tent was still there. Mario said: "I'll go for a ride to see if there is, but I did not state when and how he would go. I confirm that Mario had been in that place the next day when he said that the tent was still there. The day before the murder, Mario, whom I met on Piazzone of San Casciano, told me: "Are you ready?".

This was clearly nonsense, because it does not add up. According to the story of the repentant in fact, squeezing the most of the time, he would come to the location of the murders at least Tuesday, when the official date was on Sunday. Let it follow its directions, starting from the certainty that the couple camped on the pitch on Friday evening ..
I could talk at the bar having heard them only on Saturday, to be good, allowing time for the Police to warn two of the hazard and then talk about it while consuming coffee. The next day, then on Sundays, lots would meet the Vanni random collection of news is allowed to participate. Another day and told him he had controlled Vanni, the tent was still there, and we are at Monday. The day before the murder Vanni told Lot to get ready, and still be good as well suppose that this was still day before that Monday, in any case the struggle would at least move the offense on Tuesday. This was the final version of the truth after the "justified" the lies of the first hour, that truth on the basis of which, without any further element of feedback was sentenced to life imprisonment on poor Mario Vanni, the same fate that probably would be affected also to Peter Pacciani had not died before.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wording For 2nd Birthday

Why a womb?

In his 1984 murder of a Vicchio, the penultimate, the hands-on exhibits excision of the pubis to the poor girl killed herself, and had done so twice in 1981. Added plus the mutilation of the left breast and repeated the following year to Scopeti, then when they sent a piece as a challenge to investigators. Why, after having neglected this part of the body in the two previous operations of mutilation murders in the last two turned his attention to it? Because I sent a fragment, and because his challenge in this preferred to use the breast and not the pubis?
As for the pubic, but the operation was not performed on the breast in the throes of sexual arousal. The murderess tried to cut exactly the part with extreme coldness, leaving the impression that he was interested in his possession, as stated in the report De Fazio exit before the street crime Scopeti:

that excision breast cancer is aimed at some form of conservation and not looking for a sadistic satisfaction achieved with the extra rage on the victim, is evidenced once again by the care, the attention, the precision with which the transaction was conducted, not only in the intermediate and final stages, but even in those early, very thoughtful, judging by the many nicks "Test" found on the victim's chest at the top and outside of the breast excised .

According to the team of Modena, then, was interested to take away the breast for rimirarsela then closed in peace in his refuge. But this hypothesis has two important weaknesses.
The first is the preservation of the find, almost impossible even in formalin, being composed almost entirely of fatty tissue. So if the monster had wanted to "enjoy" what would be removed only for a short time.
The other weak point is the choice of one breast. It seems hard to believe that the murderess would have been satisfied only if she had a sexual meaning attributed to the trophy removed. Breast In fact, as a sexual valence, is composed of both breasts. In fact, in the large list of maniacs that persecutes the breasts of women killed, cut or bite, the Monster of Florence was practically the only one that was limited only by one, as also from what can be read here

Typically, serial killers do not have a specific preference for one of her breasts and got excited with the same enthusiasm on both. One of the peculiarities of the "Monster of Florence" is undoubtedly to maim always and exclusively the left breast and, in international cases, we have a previous finding of this unusual practice: Gary Robbins was a Salesman American women only attacked in their apartments, and stabbed repeatedly fired, before killing, burning with a cigarette in the left breast of the stabbing victim and concentrated mainly in this area.

What significance should be attributed then the operation? It was probably a gesture of pure media value, an element of theatrical performance that the murderess was introduced in response to a provocation that he seemed to have received statements from the famous sexologist George Abraham in an interview after the exit Giogoli of double murder. The professor tried to explain why the Monster in its operations to mutilate the corpse of the female victim, until that moment had never involved the breast. According to Abraham this behavior revealed a character suffering from a tormented Oedipal complex. The sexologist had taken some concepts from the famous American psychoanalyst Melanie Klein, he theorized about the relationship of dependency between mothers and children. In particular, the murderer was given a mother loved but overly authoritarian, that mutilation on female victims wanted to punish him, but did not have the courage to touch her breasts, part of the body with a strong symbolic meaning. Unfortunately
reproduction of the article in question does not seem to be available online, or you have news about what was the head where it was published. However, due to it are some references, for example in the book "A man almost normal" Roger Perugini (pg.77-78, 125-126) and in two interviews that the prof. De Fazio granted to "The Nation" and "The City" both published on 11 September 1985 in the aftermath of the murder of street Scopeti:

I think the maniac is an avid reader of newspapers. When he cut a breast for the first time he did so after a sex therapist who had given an interview in which he said that he always saved that way. Yes, the show follows the press and adjusting his technique. The stereotype of his monster and the perception that he himself shall be adjusted to how others perceive him.
You journalists need to be careful what you write. Recall that once a sex therapist described the monster as a mama's boy, one that removes the pubis, but not breast, maternal symbol. Well, he immediately cut off the breasts of the girl Vicchio and it was repeated with the French.

stripping sexual content of the removal of the left breast and giving it a meaning the media, the picture becomes more plausible: it justifies the lack of lust in the cut and its accuracy, probably due to the image that ' murderess wanted to give of themselves, justify the choice of one breast, which could suffice as a response to Abraham, you eliminate the doubts about its preservation, not needed, was simply thrown away. It also gives you a sense of sending a fragment Breast same investigators, the completion of the response to the provocation of the Monster sexologist, as if to say: " Here, this is what you wanted . Why have to choose just the breast to remove the fragment?

Regarding the latter case there is a problem to be overcome, however, because the monster's crime via Scopeti expected to send the fragment is not sent immediately after Vicchio? Probably he did, but given the inaccuracies of illiterate when he compiled his address in the envelope year after it is not unlikely that his letter addressed why it is lost evil. Had arrived, it is conceivable that Scopeti the operation was not repeated. Years later, during the investigation of the Companions of snacks, the repentant Giancarlo Lotti spoke of an envelope with something Pacciani sent by a friend to the girl who was killed after Vicchio ("Companions of blood," pp. 104-111) . According to the defense of the Vanni Mario Lotti was simply confused and Vicchio Scopeti, proving once again that he had invented everything, but we really sure that was so?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Post Infection Pedicure

stone circles and buffaloes

If you go to look inside the infamous Trail Esoteric is easy to find items that leave lasting impressions. Is wonder how it was possible to give credit to those that were just pure speculation based on newspaper articles, old unverified testimonies, statements of self-styled experts who consult books of magic worn by time. Yet on these items for years has squandered public money and persecuted people recognized then completely extraneous to the facts but that meanwhile has seen his life turned upside down.
In this post we will try to examine one of the elements that reinforced the belief in Michele Giuttari have to do with wizards and witches: the stone circles photographed in a place where it seems they had stopped the two poor tourists on the French before being killed pitch via Scopeti. The investigator makes us a comprehensive the topic guide on pages 287-293 of his book "The Monster", which are summarized here. In his usual job search among the papers "forgotten" resulting from proceedings, Giuttari had found two reports of service dated October 1, 1985 which resulted from the discovery by a gamekeeper, John Zoppi has since died, a cartridge type those used by the Monster in a clearing near Sesto Fiorentino. The specimen was found next to the possible meaning of esoteric material: a strange pile of rocks and a cross made of branches. He added that the area was considered "sacred" because it is connected to the Etruscan burial practices. Subsequent meetings of people that had to do with the facts allowed the investigator to discover that the episode was also interested in the esoteric expert, a colleague of the warden had given four pictures in which the pile of stones took the form of strange stone circles, inside the red berries. We hear again from the book of Giuttari, what the expert had concluded, he promptly called:

I can say based on my knowledge that the circle is closed when it is the union of two people and that the couple, and when it is open is the significance of the pair is found. The photo with the berries and then the cross represents the killing of two people, represented by its two berries, while death is represented by the cross. The photo of the broken circle represents the destruction after the completion of two people.

This real delirium in those who were likely just simple rocks that had surrounded the fires in an area used for free camping speaks for itself, but that what enters the two hapless French? John Zoppi stated that Wednesday, September 4, 1985 at 7:15 am from the clearing had made them go away warning them that in that place was in force prohibiting camping. There were two French with a tent and a white Golf, just like those of the two victims, however, also recognized the photos of the newspapers. Michele Giuttari Comment:

I wonder how they did find that area as "sacred" and especially how, once removed from it, had come to Scopeti, where the "monster" he had killed. It occurs to me that someone can have them together in the pitch a stone's throw from the farmhouse of the magician ... Salvatore

And so the two poor fellows who had their own volition or not, are put at the center of strange rituals that they then would lead to their death. Note the call I guess the figure of the magician, omnipresent in the reconstructions esoteric investigator, the link between the country's ramshackle band of silly and that he would kill the elusive sect that had commissioned the crime. The hypothesis that the French couple had been involved in acts of magic is a perfect example of what's behind the investigation of the Esoteric track, that is nothing. Inferences based on absolutely nothing: Michel and Nadine Mauriot Kravechvili Wednesday, September 4 at 7:15 in the morning they were somewhere else, as is explained in the exceptional document made available on its website Advocate Vieri Adriani, legal families of two unfortunate tourists

The crime of

After having denied on the basis of testimonies of those who knew the couple killed all interest in occult practices, the practitioner could be categorically denied that Nadine Michel and the two people on the place of stone circles, because at that moment they were in the vicinity of Milan, just entered Italy, as demonstrated by two highways and a receipt for drinks at a bar in Binasco. The study of their journey made on the basis of tax documents that the woman picked to deduct them from taxes shows that just arrived in Florence area Friday, September 6, where they camped immediately on the pitch that he then saw their death.

In the next post the document will allow us to also deal destructive blows to the reconstruction of the crime as measured by the outcome of the trial of the Companions of snacks, already tottering on their own. Returning to the track Esoteric, what say? The example is indicative of the superficiality with which they were cooked improbable theories good for the "Journal of Mysteries" that the writer was reading at the age of 14 years.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

External Stove Exhaust Fan


Mayor speaks through the pages of " The Citizen "and states:" the minority is stubborn in the sense that it does not go to the source to know what really happens: in the foothills town hall is the door always on ... . Inverted commas are his words because they correspond to its

I often go to the town hall, to ask our staff to play the role of opposition that the citizens have entrusted to us, and then read the resolutions to be determined, to be updated on the activities of the Administration for submission of claims . Never I realized, however, the presence of an ATM foothills.
I remember that we, the previous administration, had wanted to open: in the hall council, folders and graphic printouts are always open, available to many citizens who turned to the mayor and councilors for clarification and answers.

Frequent attendance, not even macheriesi, every day, including Saturday mornings, when there are also waiting. was a way to create a direct relationship between the City Council and interested citizens crossing the motorway that should not be left alone.
Following the change of administration and the consequent de silence fell on the foothills there was no news on the continuation of the service , moreover, I had never seen a council hall in the guise of an ATM Pedemontana for citizens.

However, given that there should be limited to the sensations and, stirred by the words of the mayor, also because I do not think the group I belong to no " go to the source to know what happens " I was in Common for a direct verification .

Turning to the employee entrance, I asked I was shown the door foothills. The responsible dell'Anagrafe , unaware of the issue, I sent the secretary .
There have not been able to provide specific guidance and invited me to address Technical Bureau. I went in, and my question "I need the door Pedemontana " have corrected my request stating "the technical . No-I-say-stop foothills.
Answer: "There we are." I remained then turn to the engineering department manager who kindly told me that the door Pedemontana there, and that he, as head of the technical, it could be my provision. To him I put my question. I went out to thank him with a smile .
Perhaps the same smile that occur, according to statements by the mayor, who after leaving the town hall administrators have applied for news on foothills.

first obvious consideration: door foothills is only in the words of Mayor . Second
sad and questioning consideration: how can an external union statements that are not reflected in reality .
just do not understand. Or, perhaps, the mayor thinks is enough to make statements and announcements to get the consent of the people. What matter if the facts are missing.
But we are sure that a community needs a mayor of the facade?

Mariarosa Redaelli

Softball Poems And Quotes

Monster left-handed? The last round

... it is certainly a male subject, which acts only, most likely right-handed, with a semi-professional skill in the use of a firearm by a cut and know at least recreational use of firearms.

This tells us the monster of the criminological expertise Francesco De Fazio and his team. It would seem so, the study of wounds on the bodies carried out by experts at the University of Modena, the murderess who normally would use his right hand. The report, however, speaks of probability, not certainty, moreover we know that while hardly a right-handed also used his left hand, often use a left-handed then the right, especially if a child has been forced to learn it, as it was once. Most likely, the monster was really a lefty who could also use your right hand, there are two details that make it suspect.
As is known in the last two crimes within the murderess cut a female victim. On why he contented himself with only one could make a lengthy discussion, the implications are indeed remarkable result, but we will do in a forthcoming debate, now let us focus on the fact that the two chose the left on both occasions.
Roger Perugini was given a very convoluted and implausible explanation when he was assigned to the primal scene note the choice of the left breast by his monster Pietro Pacciani. Just to reiterate how many blunders are attributable to our investigators during the investigation of the Monster, I just want to remind that according to the farmer Mercatale Perugini was so impressed by the sight of naked left breast of his girlfriend who was offering his occasional lover, in 1951 , to be cut to two of his victims over three decades later. Really a late burst effect, indeed, ritardatissimo, the more so that just came out in the penultimate murder. This is a hypothesis that is not convincing at all.
The reason for choosing the left breast was probably far more simple. The reader can do a test with a woman that is open to very nice experience: pretending to wield a knife in his hand for normal use, grab one of her breasts with the other as to cut it. If you choose the right-handed right-handed if you choose the left, just as the Monster. Of course it may be that the monster was placed astride the contrary, or that he still used his right hand, crossing his arms. The latter option seems unlikely, although it seems that the lesion depart from 11 am to proceed in a clockwise direction, in this case you might think of a lefty who instinctively chooses her left breast and then uses his right hand as he can.
There is however another element that could make us favor the hypothesis Monster of a left-handed, much less obvious and evident, but even able to tell us something more: the use of a knife or a knife are more likely to get a magazine, the letters of the composition necessary for the address on the note letter mailed after Scopeti. Why did not use scissors as it would be logical? It seems that nobody has ever asked so far, then I have asked him myself.
From Wikipedia under handedness:

The left-handed people may experience difficulties in daily life as some articles are designed for manodestri ... One of the first objects that a child left tackles in childhood, are the scissors to cut a piece of paper with scissors to manodestri action can be daunting. This is due to removal of the blade when cutting.

The right-handed you cut your fingernails with scissors knows how difficult it is to use your left hand on the right, to keep the two blades cut close and well it should pull the loop with your thumb instead of push, with attendant problems of pain and weakness knuckle thrust itself. One can therefore understand why a left-handed, just might, try not to use scissors, as did the Monster for the message. While there are special scissors for left-handed with blades reversed, it is also true that they are not readily available, the more so a few decades ago.

Propato Even Daniel, Attorney General of the appeal process to the Companions of snacks, he suspected that the monster had left. Here's what he said in his submissions regarding the stabbing of Michel Kravechvili on the pitch via Scopeti:

... French, once said that it was taken with the right and stab with the left but the experts say, from right to left that does just think of a left-handed.

The boy was chased and stabbed in the back from right to left (Point of view of the Assassin), while showing his chest when he fell the assailant stabbed him from left to right. De Fazio says the report:

The change of plan in the relationship between aggressor and victim would explain the opposite direction of the blows to the chest, than vibrating the spine and neck.

It is unclear what the criminologists wanted to hear, the rest is obvious that the simplest explanation is that the knife is passed from hand to hand. In any case, a monster who could make good use of both the right and left as only a lefty can do, could better juggle between the two weapons he used his hands, gun and knife, so that could be contested simultaneously.

The fact that the monster had been accustomed to using the knife instead of scissors could also give an account of its good ability to consistently tissues of his female victims to collect his trophies. If knowledge of anatomy should be totally excluded, it must be a good decision to grant the cut, as is clear from this statement of who did the autopsies on the victims, prof. Mauro Maurri , reported by Mario Spezi in his book "Hills of Blood:

This not a surgeon. And not a butcher. The knowledge of anatomy is not ... Of course it was one that had no hesitation, one that, perhaps for a living, use some tools .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chickon Pox Vaccine Prevent Shingles

At 6:50 am on September 10, 1985, Tuesday, the day after the discovery of the corpses of the two hapless French on the pitch via Scopeti, an ambulance driver found an unexploded cartridge of the same type of those used by the Monster in a parking lot for doctors and nurses at the hospital of Santa Maria Annunziata in Ponte a Niccheri. The cartridge was delivered to the police a few days later and carefully examined by ballistics experts to assess the study of the letter H stamped on the cartridge case its degree of compatibility with the lot of those expelled from the Beretta maniac.
From an article published on The Nation of October 1, 1985, signed by Mario Spezi:

cartridge ... certainly comes from one of the fifty boxes of bullets each in possession of the monster. The examinations conducted by forensic indicated that the 'H' stamped on the bottom is the same in all the microscopic details of that shell casings found on the sites of crimes.

The tests were not mentioned by Mario Spezi provide unequivocal response that the cartridge is found to come from one of the two boxes from which he drew the monster for his murder, but the fact that the 'H-shaped mark stamped on the bottom of the cartridge case was very similar to those found on shell casings left from him we can not rule it out. On the other hand we can say with reasonable certainty that the cartridge had been put there by the Monster. The only other possible hypothesis is that in fact it was the act of a fool who wanted to enjoy to hinder the investigation after the new crime. But in this case it would be unlikely, his speed of reaction: the corpses of two poor French had in fact been found in the afternoon the previous day, our candidate for the stupid act should therefore, learned the news from local residents or the television, run by the hospital the morning to implement its purpose, when they have a cartridge very compatible with those used by the Monster. Possible but extremely unlikely. First, the investigators
illusero that the cartridge had fallen accidentally from the pockets of the homicidal maniac who could then be a hospital employee, as was found in the parking lot reserved for doctors and nurses. It was therefore organized a maxi-search the entire complex, where pornographic magazines were found in quantity, and a strange list containing names of people suspected by earlier investigators. Those names should not have been known, but in the end the trail did not lead to anything concrete and was abandoned.
This maxi-search flocked the controversy, the hospital staff because they feel put on trial, accused of being physicians and nurses at red lights and hide in their breasts the terrible murderess.
These are the words of those who remained anonymous, found the bullet in an interview with "The Nation" of October 3, 1985:

Where did you find the bullet?
Under ramps in front of the garage.
Tuesday morning (Sept. 10) at ten to seven. I was leaving I had done the night shift.
What time had gone into service?
At eight o'clock in the evening.
And the bullet was not there the night before Monday?
No, there was I would have seen.
After harvest to those who have given the bullet?
a gentleman.
At a policeman?
Yes, to a policeman.
It 's true that the policeman took the bullet for four days before handing it over to investigators?
No, not true. I have held for four days. I put in my locker.
If made an inspection would be charged with the monster.
I know, I know, I will not even think about it.
After this story you went on vacation. To stay away from the hospital?
No, they were already being planned. But now I have to do basta.Non with this story. Days ago I read an interview I invented a newspaper. No, no newspapers, just, I have a wife and a child.
But afraid of what?
I'm afraid that is close. If it was in the hospital?

In the previous post we saw that the monster had fired at least 47 of the 50 bare lead bullets contained in the second box, while the first, copper, should be completed for some time, it was the last was used as a recovery in the process of Giogoli in 1983. E 'can lead to the cartridges used by the naked monster were slightly more than 47 calculated from one or two who may have shot to test ammunition and one or two escaped in their statements to investigators, and that found in Ponte a Niccheri may have been just the only one left in his possession.
What is the meaning attributed to the action of the Monster, the last known after the sending of the letter containing a fragment of the breast Nadine Mauriot the previous Saturday night? Hard to imagine why he had chosen the first hospital in Ponte Niccheri, judging from what happened then maybe she wanted to create trouble to a structure with which he had had no problems. However, in the opinion of this writer, aware, perhaps, perhaps not, the message was clear: throwing away his last cartridge, the Monster of Florence was laying down its arms.

Poking Boobs With Sticks For Fun

Why stopped killing

may seem strange to choose as the first argument of these reflections the very end of each offense, but it seems to me extraordinary example of how often we have tried to explain the complexity of the place of simplicity.
As you know, the last monster of the double murder was that of September 1985 on the platform next to Via Scopeti in the town of San Casciano. Most experts thought that would not stop there, indeed, its seemed that threatened to escalate an increase in ferocity. The hope was of course that would eventually sooner or later to betray him. And instead did not kill more, back in the shadows where he had come.
One of the things that a few years after Roger Perugini guided in his search for persons suspected of being the Monster was the belief that they had stopped killing because he is unable to do so. In the famous Tuscan screening performed on affected stored in the database of the Ministry of Justice was inserted so the condition that the subject should be free during the period of the crimes and being arrested when they ended. As you know, the good intentions of the investigator that he wanted to address the investigations in a more scientific than its predecessors ended unprepared then disregarded, because the subject on which to focus its suspicions, Pietro Pacciani, was indeed arrested after being crimes but only after almost two years, so if he wanted to kill the summer of 1986, could have done. It seems weak then the hypothesis of the investigator that he did because he felt his breath on his neck after being questioned as a result of an anonymous letter, but in any case this is not the issue that I will speak today.
There is a very simple reason that most likely prompted the murderess to stop: he had run out of ammunition. already imagine a thousand mouths so wrong for an explanation trivial, but let's try to reason. In his ill-fated epic
the monster he used two types of ammunition, both brand and Winchester 22 gauge characterized by the letter H stamped on the bottom of the cartridge case. Crime in 1974 in Borgo San Lorenzo had used cartridges with lead bullets coated with copper (the same type used in 1968 in Signa, but it was not his work, as we shall see shortly), while the sequence of the six killings from 1981 to 1985 is made use of cartridges with lead bullets in the nude. In the 1983 crime being Giogoli among others used it once again one of the first type.
cartridges were sold in boxes of 50, and the number of those shot it can be argued that the Monster had to have two, one for each type. In the first of the two boxes to train drew the shot with the gun after being fortuitously entered into possession and to kill in Borgo San Lorenzo in 1974. The second drew for the 1981-1985 series of murders in which, we read "The Monster" by Michele Giuttari, the bullets used were 8 + 9 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 9 = 48 , of \u200b\u200bwhich 47 plumb naked almost the whole box. It could be a simple coincidence stop right at the threshold of 50 strokes? I would say no, even as the particles seem to agree with the figure of a murderess cool program that his crimes. The
the writer is convinced that the monster was neither a crime nor a frequenter of the character of shooting ranges, but a person who had luckily found a gun in his hand a bit 'shabby and with that he first learned to shoot in secret and then began to kill. The expert of criminology
Francesco De Fazio we read:

... ... seems to be able to grasp a better technique, as the murderer became aware of the actual possibilities and limitations of the weapon Firearms available ... In particular, one gets the impression that until the 1974 episode the slayer had still not a sure knowledge of the stopping power of his gun, so he chooses as a preferential target the victim's chest ... From 1981 onwards, however, is intended preferably to the head ... All of this limited use of the firearm , might suggest to a person not an expert, the more addicted to shooting occasional discrete with natural gifts of shooting experience with more than consumed, but he later learned, had been able to properly evaluate the potential of their weapon, much to shoot two young Germans in 1983 through the sheet-metal body of the van, actually achieving the intent .

It 'very difficult to feel for a character like that, out of the supply channels and probably no criminals to carry firearms, obtain ammunition at the very moment of maximum alert on Monster. Note also the sequence of shots decrease as in 1983, only seven with the recovery of a cartridge of the old box, and in 1984, only six, as you save up to return to full load over the chamber (8 + 1 = 9) in the last murder.
According to the writer knew the monster in front of the box of 50 bullets plumb naked open before the murder of Scandicci, once initiated the sequence of crimes from 1981 to 1985, he could not buy others, so it can be assumed that already existed in his mind a definite plan which provided for a maximum of six double murder before returning to the shadows. Evidently it was not one of those psychopaths prey to inner torments and hoping to be taken, we will see shortly that for him it was just a tragic play.

All Dressed Potato Chips


E 'a few weeks ago, news of a new film about the Monster of Florence. It will be executed in the United States, in the wake of the book "Sweet Hills of Blood" by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi, and will among the protagonists of the funny and talented George Clooney. And 'yet another demonstration of the continuing interest to evoke the terrible story of the eight double murder that took place between 1968 and 1985 near Florence. But it is conceivable that even after watching this film, as the drama broadcast on Sky, the viewer will feel dissatisfied and frustrated, because the story remains without satisfactory explanation. It will not be the unlikely hypothesis "Charles" by Mario Spezi to satisfy the legitimate curiosity of those who have paid the ticket.
Also this blog will address the topic, but try to say something new compared to the usual considerations and tired of those who have lost hope that the mystery will be solved sooner or later. The writer is fully agree with those who believe the incredible truth of all exits from the trial of the Companions of Snacks: it was just a gigantic deception in which we were all fooled. But the truth is not necessarily out of reach, the truth might be in everyone's eyes, like a hidden image in ambiguous figures of Gelstat. This blog wants to find that image through a discussion of the known elements of the story trying to look at them from a perspective of common sense. The writer will offer his reflections on what the reader will naturally intervene with criticism, as long as polite. It will be even smaller pieces disconnected from each other. That will not blog it to assume the burden of telling the whole story, there are others on which the reader who does not know well can go to learn everything there is to know the link to the right lead to where you need it. Let's just say that the visitor should be the type already passionate and wants to be confronted with new points of view on this story. A few more on this premise introduction to the blog, before tackling the first of the topics for consideration.
E 'well first of all say something about the identity of who is writing. I'm just a fan like many others, to be pretty recent though those who were there. It 'was the fiction broadcast on Sky, saw last spring, so with a little 'delay, to tickle my curiosity, and to induce me to be interested in the case after years of hopeless indifference to the absurd folk who had taken the investigation. But I tried to recover the lost time in months of reading and reasoning.
You will already know, but it is worth pointing out that the writer believes that the murderess known as the Monster of Florence has been one bloodthirsty serial killer. Not seven, then, and no patrons of macabre fetish. The poor short Narducci would let him rest in peace. Can I add that I believe the murderer was motivated by criminal motives were never fully understood and that we will analyze here.
And now, good blog at all.