Thursday, December 30, 2010

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the visit of Cardinal Tettamanzi in Macherio could not miss the Mayor. It was, of course, his institutional duty. I wonder if he took the opportunity to ask him to forgive the shameless placed, organized by his party headed by himself in front of the church Bareggia.

Saturday, December 13, 2008. Topic: "Allah Allah out of here," yell as the League present, making the soundtrack to slogan on the banner "Bareggia Christian, Muslim never" run by capintesta (including the Mayor just Porta), many of which were revived for the occasion of their Christian vocation, forgotten the day of her First Communion.

Guest of Honour: Mr Mario Borghezio, which referred to the Archbishop of Milan, with these words: "Tettamanzi pilloried, Sant'Ambrogio is ashamed." And jabbering away at this rate.

Beside him, on the stage erected in the square (the church!), Rested the triumphant leader of the Macherio League, later elected mayor, Giancarlo door. That some time after he confided that he felt a bit 'embarrassed by the intervention of senior colleague. Embarrassed, just as is the delicate stomach. Overtime is asked a guy like Borghezio, which are very well known extremist positions and the truculent language, and then you feel embarrassed.

I almost prefer it to be in his insulting frankness, Mr MEP at least he is not embarrassed, that is not hypocritical.

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four Saturday December, after several references and with the consent of all, has finally been able to inaugurate the new clinic in Macherio, the Hospital San Gerardo di Monza. The clinic will rise, as is known, within the walls of the former middle school in Via Italy, as the current junta took over a year ago, in defiance of agreements already elapsed between the former mayor Redaelli and the Director of the Hospital, Dr. Joseph Spata, who saw the seat in the current structure that houses the Municipality.
The event was attended by less than a hundred people, including Councillors and Councillors of Municipal Macherio, Opposition Councillors, employees, physicians and staff of St. Gerard and citizenship sensitive to the issue.
about an hour's event was attended by the mayor of Macherio, Port , the Chief Executive of the Hospital San Gerardo di Monza, Dr. Spata, director of the University dental clinic Milano-Bicocca and teaching degree in Dentistry, Professor Baldoni, the Regional Director (Northern League) and former City Councillor Monza, Romeo Massimiliano and finally the Dean the faculty of medicine at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Andrea Stella .

As with any opening, compliments each other among the speakers were wasted on her excellent work during the year, the close cooperation of the parties, the idea of \u200b\u200brelocation
outpatient San Gerardo di Monza, the choice of Macherio as the host country of the structure. "So far so good " would say, or all according to script.

But like in the movie " Hatred" (see quote above), the problem was not the flight down from the building of a character who is aware of falling, pretends that everything is fine, but the terrible impact on the ground.
Even in the case of the clinic, the choice of location, negotiation carried out, the problems that arise between probably take us a while to say that the impact was hard . Hard for the City of Macherio and citizenship. Why?.

initial intervention because of the event, the Mayor carries with pride we would like to reiterate a key point of negotiation with the San Gerardo, " in this stable twenty years will be the owners "- referring to Mr. Spata and below -" therefore we (editor's note, the City of Macherio) we will be guests .
The facility in question is owned by the city. E 'right to be guests on "home"? . You will give your home to anyone for twenty years without even a yearly rental?. Moreover, the structure will be used not only by Macheriesi but a lot of the nearby population, see Biassono, Sovico, Albi, Triuggio, part of Liss. It would have been more just ask a lease, maybe not tall, but he was going to support banks Macherio, instead of remaining in the cold for twenty years.

The idea of \u200b\u200brent had also had the Mayor of Biassono that contributes to the clinic and that only because of the slow pace of renovation work (against Biassono) hypothetical home was not awarded the clinic.
Thus, although it was offered to Mr. Spata very good offer not to be missed: a cost
relatively low (proportional to income) for the adjustment of the hospital building and in practice for twenty years zero costs.

The clinic will be held the following specialties: cardiology and electrocardiography, dermatology, surgery-breast, diabetes, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynecology, Angiology, neurology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, pulmonology, urology and dentistry.
nell'inaugurazione also has never been shown how was the choice of these specializations: it is clear that the San Gerardo has put his word. But the City?. Primary care physicians in the area, had space?. We'll never know, but we hope c'abbiamo guessed that.

Because the relocation of clinics in the territory that Mr. Spata has wanted in recent years, it is understandable and correct, supported by Regione Lombardia. The project will
" to decongest the activities of the headquarters of the Hospital (which will focus on interventions to patients with second and third degree) and hence get closer to citizens directly in the territory .
However, the forum selected congestionerĂ  Macherio roadway from the point of view: the structure is in the center, side by side businesses, community services, library and limited parking. When the clinic is fully implemented it is inevitable to think how and where you should park in view of the amount of people who arrive in Macherio (also touted by the Mayor in his speech) that will add to existing workers. The road will be a critical point and even the parking lots "on time" will be a big problem for users at risk a fine.
We'll see.

Andrea Casiraghi

Sunday, December 19, 2010

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SALENTO BYZANTINE: December 6, 2010 - Parish greek-orthodox-Brin ...

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Friday, November 19, 2010

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The limit of no return, beyond which the ecosystem Italy is no longer able to reproduce itself is getting closer.
But no one cares. The water-related natural disasters, landslides and mudslides to one another throughout the national territory (Massa, Calabria, Veneto), but especially at regional and provincial (Lambro, Seveso), but few, indeed very few seem to notice of the moment in which we live, almost no one in the "palace" tries to address the landslide risk of Italy.

However, the problem is right there in front of everyone is not difficult to see, is commonly called concreting , or rather loss of land. Although facts and figures provided by the WWF and the National Council of Geologists , are equally evident that they can snub: 6 million people in Italy live in a territory to high hydrogeological risk , 260 000 buildings risk of landslides and floods (including schools and hospitals), the critical areas of high hydrogeological are 10% of the territory and 89% of the common, half a million people living in Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto , seismic risk in 50% of the national soil.

In our new province of Monza and Brianza, the territory is already cemented 55%, a figure among the highest in Italy, destined to increase as forecast PGT (Government of the Territory Plan).

The risk to which they are subject to 6 million people are where the real extraordinary natural events can cause adverse events and death: violent rains in recent example of the Veneto. The water rushed in so abundant within a few hours, which would fall due in a month, but can not justify constant state of calamity.

The mismanagement of the rivers and the slopes, however, is the real problem that is found consistently in the last 50 years and always in ways p
ver evident in the last decade where the building boom (and its speculation) has led to building where it was not expected and can , moving the city toward urban centers, neighboring countries, which often overlap in areas of countryside, green fields maybe used as expansion areas of rivers in full. The old "channels" of the rivers, especially useful in busy periods, were closed, blocked, changed paths with artificial banks : thus making the river flow, rainfall in extraordinary cases, increases more and more without ever having relief roads. The small streams become rivers.

The same WWF denounced the situation by launching the campaign " liberafiumi2010 " between the rivers "shabby" attend the Seveso and Lambro largely channeled that have crippled even entire neighborhoods Milan and Monza, not to mention the damage in small countries.
Monza and the overbuilding in the territory is not in decline
Absolutely: it shows the testing done by PD provincial monitoring the PGT of some common on prediction of the coming years. Since 55% of land already used you can switch, according to the joint examination of the PGT, 65% of the province of Monza and Brianza. Incredible figure. We are taking the road towards the point of no return.

Municipalities will have to take in the sights, or have already taken difficult decisions, even for our future are: Bovisio Mascago, Monza, Arcore, Brugherio, and Triuggio Burago Molgora .

A Bovisio in decision making, the plan provides a high tower about 17 floors (9,000 square meters) from place on the border with the municipality of Desio, overlooking the foothills and placed in proximity to the incinerator in Desio. This prediction, among others, is part of the supra-municipal Park (Plis) of Grugnotorto Villoresi. The list is also a new shopping center (22,500 sqm) to be developed close to the SP 527 "Bustese.

In the capital, administered by the League and PDL, will be on the examination table from a cement 4 million cubic meters new residential and commercial centers and production and the overbuilding of Cascinazza, agricultural land and flooding of the River Lambro, on which the buildable cubic meters in the interests of Berlusconi's family will grow from 120 000 today to more than 500 000.

Brugherio is the other common Monza where incumbent projects involving the construction of a shopping center and parking on two levels corresponding to an occupation of land of 160,000 square meters in area currently allocated to green spaces and farmland.
In PGT of Triuggio (in the middle of the Valle del Lambro) is expected among other things an integrated intervention plan 45 000 cubic meters residential granted to individuals in exchange for the transfer to the municipality of Villa Don Bosco. The plan includes new and massive building potential on different types of green areas also. The municipality has not yet decided by March.

For Arcore (park in the middle of the Valle del Lambro): 25 buildings of three storeys, 400 apartments for a total of 150 thousand cubic meters that will house 1,200 new residents. An investment of 220 million that Hydra, the estate of Berlusconi, has already presented to the junta's center.
This is the situation, this is the path you are on, in areas in principle were intended for protection but are now in the hands of political-economic power.

The limit of no return, beyond which the ecosystem Italy is no longer able to reproduce itself is getting closer.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Interpellation Parliamentary Alessia Mosca its meeting on 11 November, on the theme of women's in our country.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 On My Ipod


all started in 1997 by a village near Lucca: Capannori . The idea, or rather, the stroke of genius, the management and treatment of wastes with the ultimate goal of obtaining an overall cycle a "zero waste". A Capannori in 2008 was achieved 60% recycling and 75% for 2011, combining these objectives with a constant commitment aimed at reducing waste production. By 2020, the goal is zero waste. What first was regarded as the natural end of industrial production by "far disappear", bury, burn, tear down in landfills or incinerators (evaporating into the air and waste), now the challenge is to turn the concept taking it to the same waste be a "potential resource" beyond our normal idea that waste is a natural way of life of products, ensuring the sustainable practices with the raw materials at the beginning of the production process.

communities that are faced with discarded materials and objects that can not reuse,
recycle or compost must demand that the industry would cease to produce them. The total recycling is not possible without the help of the .
So Zero Waste colleague community responsibility " the" responsibility of the industries "adding to the practices of communities (such as the reuse, repair, recycling, removal of toxic substances and composting) industry practices, such as the elimination of toxic chemicals, redesigning packaging and products for the most important demands of the twenty-first century: the need to develop sustainable communities and sustainable industries.
Zero Waste aspires, instead, the model was more efficient and was successfully applied for millions of years, nature: nature does not produce waste, waste is a human invention. Our economic and social system must discover and modify their DNA on the basis of the equation "= waste resources .

The first step in which a community can begin the road toward "Zero Waste" is the source separation of waste, because waste products are created by mixing. It is therefore important to organize the collection systems that allow the separation of materials, with a variable number of containers to divide the various types of waste.

need to separate things that can be recycled. Things are only reusable a small fraction of waste, but the most valuable and therefore, the things that can be recycled, allowing a reduction in the use of virgin resources, then recirculate materials already used. It is important that recycled materials be separated from other materials that could "contaminate", to allow for reuse by industries that have a professional recycling.

To date, only about 25% of waste recycled or composted to start. Recycling waste is an approach that allows reduce operating costs and create more jobs. Everywhere you can start collecting systems " Eastenders " that can achieve high rates of differentiation, even over 80% .

In Capannori, thanks to the collection home, the professionalism of the waste management and great collaboration of citizenship, it also exceeded the recycling of over 80%, with a reducing the overall cost , creating jobs, reducing tariffs to citizenship and a annual reduction of the total production of waste.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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New Construction in Zero Energy from 2018

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2018: It' s possible!

It 's time to make a leap forward, to get to what "good ones" called 2.0 policy. But how can you do? Citizens of all, do not want more taxes, are already too many. The directors have also begun to simmer with the litany of the budget that cries (cries if the municipality should do what a private citizen?). Macherio But we can, or rather the potential to go further. First we Brianza, and with all faults that we have we are never disappointed roll up our sleeves and work to earn the bread. Second, the coffers of the town were left in excellent health by past administration. In fact lie unused in a bank account approximately € 2,000,000 (two million, I have the wrong zeros) that could be used for investment to help, encourage, or even generate employment.

So here we have to do a shot, an effort to get to understand how to use all the money to help everyone. The possibility is there a possibility since the last report revealed Legambiente common on Italian sources. Here there is indeed a list of the municipalities that are able to produce more energy than they co
nsumino. And this is not a mere exercise in style of a visionary environmentalist, on the contrary, let's imagine for a moment if all the bills in our house were cleared by the energy that we produce and sell.
is why I propose to continue the work that Macherio project began years ago with the replacement of boilers of macheriesi. In fact, I want to revive this initiative and make it grow for a new objective as possible, but especially useful Macherio Zero Energy .

Because all this does not seem a spot for its own sake, here is what will be the first concrete proposal that this new objective leads us to: Electricity from photovoltaic . Many of us decided to install a photovoltaic system on our roof and the idea of \u200b\u200bclearing the bill Enel attracts everyone. But it is a will that is broken up an account of 7 / 8000 € to do so (I think it's normal, at least for me it was).
You should then listen to those who tell you that in 10-12 years you will be payback. And in the meantime? Few know, however, that the incentives on photovoltaics, more than clear the bill, they also have another type of incentive, namely the payment by the GSE (government entity specially created) of each kilowatt sold to ENEL. So what would be the idea, after all, simple: the town could finance the entire installation photovoltaic panels on the roofs of private individuals who would enjoy for free at this point of the relief bill ENEL. On the other hand it would give the private credit obtained from the GSE, thus obtaining the total return on the investments made within the famous 10/12 years. Once back of all investments, you may actually give the contribution of the GSE (20 lasting years) to private and would thus have a small pension.

Here's what administration can do for their citizens, that's what "policy 2.0". Here's what it means for us MZE.

Massimo Tremolada

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Teachers go on strike and researchers, students and parents protested, the cuts to public education (and in general to culture) hit schools of every kind and degree from those of big cities to those of small countries, but the school's founding body a company, means the formation of informed citizens, take away money is undermining democracy itself. Here are some steps in a speech in support of the state school, you will probably surprised to find out who and, especially, when it was pronounced.

"Why do we defend the school? Perhaps the school is in danger? What is the school that we are defending? What is the danger that hangs over school that we are defending the school ?(...) defend dem ocratica : the school that corresponds to the democratic constitution that we wanted to give, the school that is a function of this Constitution, which can be an instrument, because the Constitution written on the sheets to become a reality [...].
The school, as I see it, is an organ constitutional. " Has its position it, its importance to the center of the complex of organs that make up the Constitution . As you know, in the second part of the Constitution, what is called "state law", are described those organs through which it expresses the will of the people.
those organs through which policy becomes law, vital and healthy political struggles are transformed into laws. Now, when you can think of asking what are the constitutional bodies, all of you will naturally answer: are the houses, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, the President of the Republic, the Judiciary, but there will think of between these agencies also consider the school, which instead is a vital organ of democracy as we conceive. If you were to make a comparison between the constitutional body and the human body, you should say that the school match those organs which have the function in the human body to create blood [...].
The school, the central organ of democracy, because it helps to solve what we believe is the central problem of democracy: the formation of the ruling class . The formation of the ruling class, not only in the sense of the political class, that class that is sitting in parliament and discuss and talk (and even screaming) that is at the top of the organs most specifically political, but also leadership in the cultural sense and Technical : those who are head of the workshops and farms, they teach, who write, artists, professionals, poets. This is the problem of democracy, the creation of this class, which should not be a hereditary caste, closed, an oligarchy, a church, a priesthood, an order . No. In our thought of democracy, the ruling class must be open and constantly renewed by the influx to the top of the best elements of all classes, of all categories. Each class, each class must be able to free up its best elements , because each of them may temporarily, temporarily, for that brief moment of life that fate allows each of us, help to bring his work, his best personal qualities to the advancement of society [...].
must serve democracy, allowing every man worthy to have his share of sunshine and dignity. But this can only do the school, which is the corollary of universal suffrage. The school, which has precisely this character up a political sense, because it alone can help you choose, it can only help create the people worthy of being chosen, which normally surface from all walks of life.
You see, this image is enshrined in a constitutional article, albeit with a less imaginative formula. It is the art. 34, where it is said: " The school is open to all. Capable and deserving pupils, even without financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education . This is the most important article of our Constitution. One must appreciate the political and social value of this article. Seminarium I published guilty, said the Latin marriage. We could say the school: I published seminarium rei: the school draws the best for the renovation continues , daily of the ruling class. Now, if this is the constitutional function of the school in our republic, let us ask: how built this tool? What are its principles? First of all, school State. The State must provide its schools. First of all the public school .(...) The State must not say: I do a school as a model, then the rest of the others do. No, the school is open to everyone and if everyone wants to attend school in the state, there must be all kinds of schools, many schools excellent, equivalent to the principles laid down by the state, public schools, making it possible to gather all those who addressed to the State to go in its schools. The school is open to all. The State must therefore be good schools to accommodate all . This is written in art. 33 of Constitution. The school in the state, the democratic school is a school that has a unifying effect, is the school of all, create citizens.
School of government, it should be a guarantee, because you do not slip into what would be the end of the school and perhaps the end of democracy and freedom, that is the party school . How do you set up in a country with a party school? It can be done in two ways . One is the open totalitarianism, said. We have experienced, unfortunately. I think everyone here you remember, though many people do you remember most. We experienced under fascism. All schools become schools of the State: private school is no longer permitted, but the State becomes a party and then all schools are state schools, but schools are for this party. But there is another form to convert the school to get state party school or sect. Totalitarianism sneaky, indirect, torpid, sluggish like some pneumonias that are without fever, but are dangerous. Let us assume, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. It does not make the March on Rome and transform the classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship. So, what to do to gain control of schools and to transform the State schools into Party schools? He realizes that the State schools have the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you).
starts to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish . Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. all treatments start going to these private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because in the end are better, they say, those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools .(...)
And then there's another danger, perhaps even more serious. It is the danger of moral decay in the school. This sense of distrust, cynicism, rather than skepticism that is spreading in schools, especially among young people, is very significant. It is the sunset of the ideas of the old school of Gaetano Salvemini, Augusto Monti: reliability, accuracy, honesty, punctuality. These simple ideas. Doing their duty, to teach. And that school is a school of character, forming consciences, to forming honest and loyal. Is spreading, however, the idea that all this is over, that is no longer valid, apply today supports and recommendations. "
Calamandrei Piero, Rome February 11, 1950. Association to defend the national school.
There is some difference with the minister today that says: "Try to make a sandwich with the Divine Comedy." Concepts of morality and sixty years ago seem (are?) Much of the current poverty of today's ideas

Saturday, August 14, 2010

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This blog ... talked about my problems with eating disorders.
I said ENOUGH.
There I did it ....
after attempts, and relapse, relapse ... relapse.
I. .. vomiting .. the food ... fasting ... the void ... solitude ... the toilet, me and the john ... I
in the reflection ..... I think it came the much anticipated: CARS.
Now, they are not unbeatable, but I'm strong.
I think I have completely stopped the crap they have been turned upside down.
I feel better.
I really want to do, to live, to react, to have fun, to enjoy every moment,
get high, listen to music, singing, playing bass, going to school, to see who they are, stop bands of all give a damn of people ..

SARA 'A blog about me, my person, my passions ...
A big hug!
For those wishing to stay in touch with me

I leave you a song!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

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Mosquitoes standard and something else I give a bit of hormones.
Smear a bit of talcum powder on the BORO palms because I like them more fragrant, I drink ice water knowing that I will MALDI stomach.
Sometimes I buy a beck's tea from a straw sometimes more colorful.
portion with four days, The Ibert Ă  destination.
not wait to dive into the icy water.
burn bright eyes and hear for salt, sunburn and a bit back.
And who cares if I have legs bigger than I want. Van
Enjoy these nights full of stars. Drunk with people and laughing with white teeth who looks at you in the eye and stays with you in the rain.
Yesterday the moon was almost full.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

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I have to stop listening to your band, to hang by a thread and swinging, swinging with the nausea. Rocking with my blood flowing from his forehead.
're a memory, the past that never goes away.
Your eyes .. your eyes, make me sick, I do too badly. Unfortunately I'm not talking about my boy. Your silence will kill me, but you were there beside me, and I shook hands, only you did this, I shook hands. And comfort to some of my lost soul, and wiped my tears, from the inside, my chest was full of peace when you hold my hands, never had peace in my life. And looked into my eyes, in a more detached and close that I had ever seen, hugging me in the most profound I have ever received. Your movements were screaming, ask to have the item needed to be heard. They ask for peace, requested music, your music, your way of life.
I live in the memory of a man who is as normal as me, I would say very little. That is fine as me, I would say almost nothing. I think less of you, much less, but when I think of you I empty the whole, I take off all emotions are dead, dull, dead, off. How after our goodbyes, I just wanted to continue to discover who you are, you make me afraid, but I needed to feed your soul.
are only food now. CIB O.

Friday, July 16, 2010

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I need a sedative, verdena only know me by calming.
I need a sedative, a painkiller ...
are my medicine against pain, against fear, against the crisis.

Friday, July 9, 2010

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To '.. ve the gift of dosatevi engergia and A rctic.

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Tomorrow is my birthday.

not you get my thinking, does not arrive,
does not arrive ..
does not arrive. And your
I get, I get and I pursued.
I'm wondering for days .. You never got my thinking?
you have never entered into?
Why did you run?
But there have never been? When I've never been kissed?
You were a dream?
Why I always want what I can not have?
Why do I want more and what is not mine, because I wish
you're not, not alive, you're dead like me, as I live
tired of that alive, blessed by despair.
Kissed unconditional love,
chipped from scratch, molded, shaped
on my skin.
Your love for her, the
.. Your .. love .. for her .. It makes me hungry.
Who the hell are you?
will be beautiful? How about me? His soul is as
more intense than mine?
But she lives or dies ..
like me?
What color are his eyes? And his trousers because they are smaller than mine?
Slim ... lean ... lean ...
Even if it were fat, if fat .. For me it would be lighter, finer than me.
If it was good, I would see beautiful, and do not hate you, hate me.
'd hate me, I would not be her fault.
'd hate me always, but now I have an excuse to do so.

are like glass, transparent and delicate.

Tomorrow I make about Quin years, tomorrow I have a storm more, and shoulders are too small.
Tomorrow I'll be one today, today with a few more words, with some disease in more than a few skeletons in with some more fixing, with a few more walls, and will be ready to trap me, and squeeze and suck the air most of today.

clothes I want smaller, they claim ..
.... or ..
I just want a hug.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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Devocka - why smile!?

would find myself more semplicese the wet when I was in heaven reigns in hiding tempesta.Ritrovarmi prohibited, it would be easier if .. I was as light as a foglia.Mi find among the tangled branches of a tree, in the most misteriosa.Sono dark green, are the nature and the air that dissolves the boundaries between you and the world .. Only the last, the last creature you would have noticed, and while I speak, and speak directly with you, I do not want none of your answers sarcastiche.Voglio eyes only, only your eyes, and when you turn around, I'll become only the darkest among the stars . No one listens to the voice of silence, the voice of silence wants answers full of parole.Lei never speaks, he prefers to be cradled by the force of the world, and remains intact, while it is being tugged from that world, which screams, and she nods as he reflected on the sand, like a wave when it reaches shore.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

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Here is my sweet damsels back! How are you?

I'm fine, yeah, I'm fine .. The only real problem ... is ...
Should I overcome my fears for my boyfriend.
I should go to the beach, here. But it is too difficult to fight against my image.
So arguments continue ... Should I face my fears, but it's so difficult ...

I must not discourage me, I face this fear of hell.
Smile, smile is a symbol of beauty ...
and we hope that the time is good for this
toning legs and remove this pancietta disgusting,
eat healthy and do sports in sistesi ...

Friday, June 18, 2010

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Teleradioerre on Monday, June 21, tg of the voluntary sector.

A newscast devoted entirely to the realities of the volunteer captains. Will air Monday, June 21, at 14:20, on the screens of Teleradioerre, the first episode of "Size of Volunteers" by the Center of the Communication Services at Volunteer Daunia. An innovative space, the first in the province of Foggia, devoted entirely to local authorities operating in the Third Sector.
In the first episode, which will also repeated at 20:00 on Tuesday 22 June, will discuss initiatives of the Diocese of Foggia - Cattle in favor of the earthquake victims of L'Aquila, the calls sponsored by the Fondazione Banca del Monte and ' Initiative One euro Park San Felice. " The preparation of CsvDaunia Teleradioerre also will offer viewers an interview with the Chairman of the Management Committee of the Voluntary Services Centre, Antony Carbone. "It 's an innovative initiative, which is not found in previous captains - said the president of CsvDaunia, Aldo Bruno - to turn the spotlight on the diverse world of volunteerism in our area. All associations will be able to interface with the Communication Area of \u200b\u200bCsvDaunia, to make known to the city and province, their own actions. A special thank you - said Bruno - to the immediate availability Teleradioerre demonstrated against the project. "From next Monday you can review the episodes of" Size of Volunteers "in the site

Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Tutorial and use flowers to crochet

For those who started working on crochet, the implementation of these simple little flowers give a lot of satisfaction because we are in a minute and can embellish any garment.
start with the explanation of the flower by a single lap
start a chain of 4 meshes and combine it with a very low point in the chain run-off. And points in the two chains do circulate, perform two high points, make two chains and a low point in the circulating (in this way is formed the first petal) repeat four more times and we get the flower with five petals, cut and stop excess wire. If you want you can sew or glue the center, one or more beads.
We use them a lot for our creations and you'll show some pictures, but believe me there are no limits on the application of clothing, bags, bedding or even jewelry!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bugatti Veyron Output Diagram

Hello girls, sorry for the absence ..
I needed to be away, even if nothing has changed.
I'm afraid to disappoint, and then disappoints more 'than I thought I could do ..
I fall more and more 'below. The
My life is a disaster .. I left school because I did not feel up to it.
I will come back next year .. and in the meantime, the psychologist makes me pressure .. Today is my meeting with her and my parents .. we did not ever a meeting of three will be ', horrible, horrible one, and tough.
do not have a relationship with them, there's just cold, cold and scary.
And inside me instead of ice melts, it breaks me, and cry for things more 'stupid. Even to hear such strong words: life-lift-lose.
cry .. I cry .. but never really come out those two tear, and then I stop.
It 'cry hell forever, but never cried.
E 'pretending to be a hellish when ice is among the most 'sensitive and alone in the world .... We
to 25 March and I still see the six on the scale ... fortunately not increase even eating like a Vaccarella ...
you hug ...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Broken Capillaries On Infant

Viva summer!

A small preview of summer garments and applications to crochet.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Women's Running Shirts Fun

Thanks Adele!

This post to thank Adele Zolea, talented author of this template and many others, all very beautiful!
The because I have to thank for having had trouble entering the post, I contacted for help twice and both time was taken immediately to arrange everything.
A special person who puts at our disposal its expertise, and this is really a great gift!
Go see his other template on his blog:, you'll love it like me!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Turn 21 On A Weekend How Do I Get My License

As the night I do not make noise and if I fall 'for you.

Wedding Program Thank You Message Sample Wording

Inspiration ....

How about these crocs for babies? I purchased the tutorial on, but then I get a little ' changed because the explanations were not extremely precise, then go ahead for fancy colors, decorations or buttons!