Wednesday, November 17, 2010 On My Ipod


all started in 1997 by a village near Lucca: Capannori . The idea, or rather, the stroke of genius, the management and treatment of wastes with the ultimate goal of obtaining an overall cycle a "zero waste". A Capannori in 2008 was achieved 60% recycling and 75% for 2011, combining these objectives with a constant commitment aimed at reducing waste production. By 2020, the goal is zero waste. What first was regarded as the natural end of industrial production by "far disappear", bury, burn, tear down in landfills or incinerators (evaporating into the air and waste), now the challenge is to turn the concept taking it to the same waste be a "potential resource" beyond our normal idea that waste is a natural way of life of products, ensuring the sustainable practices with the raw materials at the beginning of the production process.

communities that are faced with discarded materials and objects that can not reuse,
recycle or compost must demand that the industry would cease to produce them. The total recycling is not possible without the help of the .
So Zero Waste colleague community responsibility " the" responsibility of the industries "adding to the practices of communities (such as the reuse, repair, recycling, removal of toxic substances and composting) industry practices, such as the elimination of toxic chemicals, redesigning packaging and products for the most important demands of the twenty-first century: the need to develop sustainable communities and sustainable industries.
Zero Waste aspires, instead, the model was more efficient and was successfully applied for millions of years, nature: nature does not produce waste, waste is a human invention. Our economic and social system must discover and modify their DNA on the basis of the equation "= waste resources .

The first step in which a community can begin the road toward "Zero Waste" is the source separation of waste, because waste products are created by mixing. It is therefore important to organize the collection systems that allow the separation of materials, with a variable number of containers to divide the various types of waste.

need to separate things that can be recycled. Things are only reusable a small fraction of waste, but the most valuable and therefore, the things that can be recycled, allowing a reduction in the use of virgin resources, then recirculate materials already used. It is important that recycled materials be separated from other materials that could "contaminate", to allow for reuse by industries that have a professional recycling.

To date, only about 25% of waste recycled or composted to start. Recycling waste is an approach that allows reduce operating costs and create more jobs. Everywhere you can start collecting systems " Eastenders " that can achieve high rates of differentiation, even over 80% .

In Capannori, thanks to the collection home, the professionalism of the waste management and great collaboration of citizenship, it also exceeded the recycling of over 80%, with a reducing the overall cost , creating jobs, reducing tariffs to citizenship and a annual reduction of the total production of waste.


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