Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Digital Tv Tuner And Antenna For Cars

2018: It' s possible!

It 's time to make a leap forward, to get to what "good ones" called 2.0 policy. But how can you do? Citizens of all, do not want more taxes, are already too many. The directors have also begun to simmer with the litany of the budget that cries (cries if the municipality should do what a private citizen?). Macherio But we can, or rather the potential to go further. First we Brianza, and with all faults that we have we are never disappointed roll up our sleeves and work to earn the bread. Second, the coffers of the town were left in excellent health by past administration. In fact lie unused in a bank account approximately € 2,000,000 (two million, I have the wrong zeros) that could be used for investment to help, encourage, or even generate employment.

So here we have to do a shot, an effort to get to understand how to use all the money to help everyone. The possibility is there a possibility since the last report revealed Legambiente common on Italian sources. Here there is indeed a list of the municipalities that are able to produce more energy than they co
nsumino. And this is not a mere exercise in style of a visionary environmentalist, on the contrary, let's imagine for a moment if all the bills in our house were cleared by the energy that we produce and sell.
is why I propose to continue the work that Macherio project began years ago with the replacement of boilers of macheriesi. In fact, I want to revive this initiative and make it grow for a new objective as possible, but especially useful Macherio Zero Energy .

Because all this does not seem a spot for its own sake, here is what will be the first concrete proposal that this new objective leads us to: Electricity from photovoltaic . Many of us decided to install a photovoltaic system on our roof and the idea of \u200b\u200bclearing the bill Enel attracts everyone. But it is a will that is broken up an account of 7 / 8000 € to do so (I think it's normal, at least for me it was).
You should then listen to those who tell you that in 10-12 years you will be payback. And in the meantime? Few know, however, that the incentives on photovoltaics, more than clear the bill, they also have another type of incentive, namely the payment by the GSE (government entity specially created) of each kilowatt sold to ENEL. So what would be the idea, after all, simple: the town could finance the entire installation photovoltaic panels on the roofs of private individuals who would enjoy for free at this point of the relief bill ENEL. On the other hand it would give the private credit obtained from the GSE, thus obtaining the total return on the investments made within the famous 10/12 years. Once back of all investments, you may actually give the contribution of the GSE (20 lasting years) to private and would thus have a small pension.

Here's what administration can do for their citizens, that's what "policy 2.0". Here's what it means for us MZE.

Massimo Tremolada


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