Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moncler Outlet Reviews

Devocka - why smile!?

would find myself more semplicese the wet when I was in heaven reigns in hiding tempesta.Ritrovarmi prohibited, it would be easier if .. I was as light as a foglia.Mi find among the tangled branches of a tree, in the most misteriosa.Sono dark green, are the nature and the air that dissolves the boundaries between you and the world .. Only the last, the last creature you would have noticed, and while I speak, and speak directly with you, I do not want none of your answers sarcastiche.Voglio eyes only, only your eyes, and when you turn around, I'll become only the darkest among the stars . No one listens to the voice of silence, the voice of silence wants answers full of parole.Lei never speaks, he prefers to be cradled by the force of the world, and remains intact, while it is being tugged from that world, which screams, and she nods as he reflected on the sand, like a wave when it reaches shore.


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