roundabout, roundabouts do not. This is the problem . It seems that they are mainly for the Mayor Gate Macherio forced, as already announced some time ago, to back down at his own initiative after having macheriese against all opposition, much of his majority (as confirmed more Sometimes, even the last City Council), the most of his nationality and even more the mayor of the neighboring Biassono, Piero Malegori , met by our own newspaper for its assessment of the foothills and the impact of the route in both countries.
Porta said he was committed to restoring the subway and the annulment of his "invention" or roundabouts, played as a bargaining chip. But a specific question about the dropping of the round, Malegori raises the doubt. Sure you will succeed?
P: How was it handled the issue in Biassono foothills to citizenship, were made public assemblies and municipal councils are open?
S: We had a public meeting when the project was presented by foothills, where he also saw Biassono as Macherio penalized.
P: How many dispossessed Biassonesi?
S: The dispossessed who will be deprived of the house are a total Biassono 16 families of which 5 have clearly decided to remain on our territory.
P: Those who have established Biassono to stay, were placed on a common or private? In what has been sold per square meter in the home and costs have already attached the infrastructure costs or be at the expense of families?
S: The land where the dispossessed were included, Hall was half and half private. The area has been converted from a standard building ground, agreeing on the figure of 130 € per meter. Families can build their own houses of equal size to those to be demolished, with the possibility of increasing the sizes to legal norms. To prevent speculation, the constraints have been placed by the municipality. The infrastructure costs will be borne by the owner by force, because otherwise I'd go as mayor against the law. I believe that families have received considerable compensation from foothills and that somehow, they were also calculated the infrastructure costs. Many people, who were also rightly concerned about, now and the end of their labor, they feel more relieved and happy.
P: On the final draft of the foothills in the territory of Macherio there are two more roundabouts on a street queen Margaret, the second after two supermarkets. In your opinion, could lead to damage even on the territory of Biassono?
S. The City of Macherio me really tired. Before you put the round after he decided to remove them. I think the roundabout at Queen Margaret is also important for Macheriesi that should not goose rides to get on the highway.
P: Does that Macherio already overly penalized as a territory, with a path that cuts the country in its totality, more with a wriggling? If it were the mayor would like to Macherio traffic in and out?
S: It does not seem right that the problem should be the traffic on our country. We Biassono we had to solve the problem of the track that first fell into the high end of the territory now in final draft, we found a highway closer to the country.
P: His fear with regard to traffic and a possible removal of roundabouts at Macherio, is due to the fact that the SP6bis if not carried out for lack of money as the 'Councillor of Regione Lombardia Cattaneo said, would risk an increase in traffic through the streets of our own country?
S: There is enough money to fund the banks. However, it's all about ratings, because I felt Magnano and he confirmed that the money is there. I still think that the new provincial road is essential for Biassono as Macherio and allow our country to move traffic to the outside, giving us the opportunity to develop the new area. I hope that the town of Albi and Carate return on their footsteps, because I do not understand how we can bring together the car yet on the old road
P: Do you think that the mayor can still take off the door the two roundabouts in the final draft the final design?
S: Do not let me respond. I do not want polemics.
P: Macherio should go their own way, keeping the round that made the meeting with the mayors of the district, without looking at the opposition and the 700 signatures of citizens?
S: Those are just trifles.
P: You may be afraid Door, in making certain decisions because they would lose the next election, while you have a hard core?
From the back room ... it can be.
Alessandro Casiraghi
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