Exhibition Hall - Court of Cagnat
Via Roma, 38 - Macherio, MB
from March 19 to April 3, 2011
Schedule: Thursday , 16.30 to 18.30 Friday and Saturday and Sunday from 0.30 to 19 10-12/16.
Admission free.
Opening: Saturday, March 19, 18:00
Presentation Luigi Consonni
editor: Luigi Consonni
sponsored by: City of Macherio, AIDO Macherio
Information - Reservations visits schools, groups
tel. 320.5788799 istruzione@comunemacherio.mb.it 039.20756.204
Two artists on display: Floria Giampietro, painter, and Carlo Elli, a sculptor. Present their abstractions from contemporary modes of expression through two different but complementary.
Floria born in Vicenza in 1948, uses the chromaticity and the decomposition of a two-dimensional, on canvas or board, to tell its vision of "dream" with fragments of landscapes or figures with compositional harmony, chromaticity and style, revising it in abstract compositions.
Elli was born in Desio in 1941, elaborates his emotions through the development and research of three-dimensional sculpture. The His creativity goes beyond the obligation illustrations: it is full of ideas expressionist, pop, not to say surreal, although they rely on a classical conception of figuration.
Floria exhibited fifteen paintings on wood . abstract compositions that simultaneously recorded fragments of the real and informal. His figures and landscapes that suggest self-reflection as if we looked at many facets of the same subject in directly and simultaneously reflected in large bay windows. Everything mixed in, sometimes romantic at times energetic play of light. A very appreciated by the numerous juries in several years of work have often rewarded, always receiving great critical acclaim. What is most amazing is that Floria began painting at the age of 25 years on his own and has never attended academies. Simple and good-looking character has acquired the rudiments of painting through the advice of friends and painters smooth his path led him to these excellent results.
Elli in the exhibition, ten medium-sized sculptures , choices between the different techniques practiced by him: from clay to bronze, from the concrete to the resins. Sculptures show that well this way of creating a bit 'eclectic and naive.
is noted for example in the head in yellow clay, expressiveness, search features, which goes beyond the real eyes a bit 'Egyptians, the movement of hair, staring into space and at once thoughtful, all the elements that make deformed image that is not deformed. Even more visionary is black head with an eye to the sky, his hair flutter as horizontal supported by the wind, with braids and shapes that echo the shape of the tentacles of an octopus.
In Elli are therefore an abstraction of reality, however figurative, through plasticity is unrelated to the material research of full and empty, typical of the sculpture, but to a creative result of an eclectic way externalize the state of mind, which manifests itself at that precise moment, the act of giving, and define a volume.
Luigi Consonni
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