Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Transferring Pokemon Between Games


roundabout, roundabouts do not. This is the problem . It seems that they are mainly for the Mayor Gate Macherio forced, as already announced some time ago, to back down at his own initiative after having macheriese against all opposition, much of his majority (as confirmed more Sometimes, even the last City Council), the most of his nationality and even more the mayor of the neighboring Biassono, Piero Malegori , met by our own newspaper for its assessment of the foothills and the impact of the route in both countries.

Porta said he was committed to restoring the subway and the annulment of his "invention" or roundabouts, played as a bargaining chip. But a specific question about the dropping of the round, Malegori raises the doubt. Sure you will succeed?
P: How was it handled the issue in Biassono foothills to citizenship, were made public assemblies and municipal councils are open?
S: We had a public meeting when the project was presented by foothills, where he also saw Biassono as Macherio penalized.

P: How many dispossessed Biassonesi?
S: The dispossessed who will be deprived of the house are a total Biassono 16 families of which 5 have clearly decided to remain on our territory.

P: Those who have established Biassono to stay, were placed on a common or private? In what has been sold per square meter in the home and costs have already attached the infrastructure costs or be at the expense of families?
S: The land where the dispossessed were included, Hall was half and half private. The area has been converted from a standard building ground, agreeing on the figure of 130 € per meter. Families can build their own houses of equal size to those to be demolished, with the possibility of increasing the sizes to legal norms. To prevent speculation, the constraints have been placed by the municipality. The infrastructure costs will be borne by the owner by force, because otherwise I'd go as mayor against the law. I believe that families have received considerable compensation from foothills and that somehow, they were also calculated the infrastructure costs. Many people, who were also rightly concerned about, now and the end of their labor, they feel more relieved and happy.

P: On the final draft of the foothills in the territory of Macherio there are two more roundabouts on a street queen Margaret, the second after two supermarkets. In your opinion, could lead to damage even on the territory of Biassono?
S. The City of Macherio me really tired. Before you put the round after he decided to remove them. I think the roundabout at Queen Margaret is also important for Macheriesi that should not goose rides to get on the highway.

P: Does that Macherio already overly penalized as a territory, with a path that cuts the country in its totality, more with a wriggling? If it were the mayor would like to Macherio traffic in and out?
S: It does not seem right that the problem should be the traffic on our country. We Biassono we had to solve the problem of the track that first fell into the high end of the territory now in final draft, we found a highway closer to the country.

P: His fear with regard to traffic and a possible removal of roundabouts at Macherio, is due to the fact that the SP6bis if not carried out for lack of money as the 'Councillor of Regione Lombardia Cattaneo said, would risk an increase in traffic through the streets of our own country?
S: There is enough money to fund the banks. However, it's all about ratings, because I felt Magnano and he confirmed that the money is there. I still think that the new provincial road is essential for Biassono as Macherio and allow our country to move traffic to the outside, giving us the opportunity to develop the new area. I hope that the town of Albi and Carate return on their footsteps, because I do not understand how we can bring together the car yet on the old road

P: Do you think that the mayor can still take off the door the two roundabouts in the final draft the final design?
S: Do not let me respond. I do not want polemics.

P: Macherio should go their own way, keeping the round that made the meeting with the mayors of the district, without looking at the opposition and the 700 signatures of citizens?
S: Those are just trifles.

P: You may be afraid Door, in making certain decisions because they would lose the next election, while you have a hard core?

From the back room ... it can be.

Alessandro Casiraghi

Monday, March 14, 2011

Best Surfboard Tie Down

Good postal Pacciani

As you know, after the surprising discovery, through the confessions Giancarlo Lotti, so that the mysterious monster of Florence was in reality a gang of silly country led by Pietro Pacciani, it was necessary to find a credible motive for the brutal murders, because they could no longer speak of sexual motivations. Groups of people were at the raping and then killing to eliminate witnesses to the rapes, but realized that an alliance of maniacs interested in specific crimes such as those perpetrated at the expense of couples killed around Florence was quite impossible. The same investigators, willing to build very unlikely scenarios to justify their theories, do not feel to go on the road of sexual depravity, which were kept only as an attitude of subjects to commit a crime, not as a real motivation.
was needed more, inexhaustible inventiveness of Michael Giuttari soon found the solution: kill the band for money, the sad bits of skin and flesh torn from poor female victims were sold to phantom customers.
course Giancarlo Lotti, endowed with incredible sensitivity to the expectations of the investigators, did not hesitate to lend its help, and then, after saying, in the interrogation of 11 March 1996

I want to clarify that Mario also told me that the parts of the woman whom he had excised Peter had brought them home to hide in the garage by putting them in a bundle. Mario told me that he wanted them Pacciani daughters to eat but do not know if it actually did.

in his letter sgrammaticatissima spontaneous November of that year he wrote:

Where you give these things of women. The sinus vagina or cunt Mario volio know who dates doctor who served Pietro Pacciani. We paid in cash . But no one wanted me to say which made it to the vagina and if you do things because mostrose.

Magically, after eight months of inner torment, when he had to start the new track Esoteric unlikely to be the sad bits of food for their daughters turned into Pacciani (!!!!!!!) equally unlikely objects of commerce. So there was a doctor who paid in money interested in purchasing the fetishes, which soon became stars of magic rites, satanic ceremonies, initiations, and so on.
Michele Giuttari, yes, but also detective novelist, tried to find evidence of what was emerging, so here's his research on the heritage of Pacciani, in his opinion is not explained by gains to the extent of which he was a farmer.
It was 157 million pounds, a figure which were highly significant, and three houses, but it is good to know, were not houses, small apartments, but restored by Pacciani also arranged with the same material does not quite know where he picked up. It should also be borne in mind that the subject was stingy in abnormally, going as far as dog food to give to their daughters, by all accounts was one thousand works (in black), and then, because the type, as if surprised he had rounded its revenue illegal activity with some small rogue?
But is the correlation between dates and dates of the crimes of the movements of money that the thesis of Michael Giuttari is more water. Just read the chapters he devotes to the subject in her two books to be convinced ( Companions of blood , p.. 234-237, p. The monster . 238-241). We are listed either to buy houses, cars, bills and payments on postal savings accounts in the period 1979-1987 that at a superficial examination also shows links with the possible sale of fetishes, which eventually were only four, while the Pacciani from financial transactions are much more: it may pay in installments? Or you give the peasant cunning behavior with which would split its payments by providing that a decade after a detective was going to make him the fleas?
start with the purchase of a house on September 30, 1979 for 26 million pounds in cash. The investigator convinces us that Pacciani could not have saved that money from his modest income, but the first excision took place two years later, then? This just proves that the "worker agricultural land" as he called himself, earning money in other ways, probably not very lawful.
On 18 June 1981, after 12 days from the first excision, Pacciani had bought the postal savings, Giuttari does not say to what value, but the subsequent purchase was March 12, 1982, excision of October 22, 1981 had not yielded anything then? Or had been paid with 5 months of delay, unlike the earlier settled now?
But we continue, as are three other operations during the year '82, April 26, August 10 and October 2, plus the purchase of the famous white Ford Fiesta in December. Giuttari reminds us that June 19 was another double murder took place, but you forget to write that had not been taken any fetish. Pacciani was paid anyway? And because so many operations before and after the crime?
On July 9, 1983 a payment of more money, without selling fetish, September 10, 1983 and another, this time on the day after the killing of two German boys in Giogoli. Even then there were no fetishes sold, it was in fact two men. And even if the double murder had been committed only to really "risen one from prison, and then also paid, it seems really strange that Pacciani the next morning, Saturday, perhaps without even taking a shower, run in Mail to buy the good, the loot he had collected the same evening of the murders?
On June 30, 1984 we buy another house for 35 million pounds in cash. It was an advance for the following fetish, I remember it was only available after July 29, the day of death of the poor Pia Rontini?
Giuttari for movements after only says that there were a number of postal savings to buy a total of 57 million lire in the period between November 15, 1985 and May 26, 1987, then completed crimes. But of course it's easy to find a justification, just a bit 'of invention: the second one could treat the investigator or a balance for work already carried out, clearly divided into many transactions from the cunning peasant, or of the proceeds of the blackmail to the principals, which However, there is the slightest evidence, because we know that these principals have remained only on paper. It 'obvious that there is no limit to human imagination, at this rate you can imagine all sin that we are not in the plot of a novel, so every assertion tests are necessary.
I hope that the reader an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you've been doing is illogical to believe that Pacciani had reached its good disposable income with the sale of four levels and two breasts, pubic claims, they also completely useless as fetishes, why not store even in formalin. Even
Mario Vanni was made an analysis of assets, 146 million saved in a lifetime, bearing in mind that he had no children (a daughter died in infancy) and did not even have a car. And even here there are movements not explained by the supposed sale of fetishes, like 19 million of bonds purchased in 1984 before the murder of Vicchio after three years from the last operation was successful. They were an advance to the next chore ?

Moreover, even the PG Daniele Propato found nothing convincing in these allegations.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monsters With Coke Rewards


Exhibition Hall - Court of Cagnat
Via Roma, 38 - Macherio, MB
from March 19 to April 3, 2011
Schedule: Thursday , 16.30 to 18.30 Friday and Saturday and Sunday from 0.30 to 19 10-12/16.
Admission free.

Opening: Saturday, March 19, 18:00
Presentation Luigi Consonni
editor: Luigi Consonni
sponsored by: City of Macherio, AIDO Macherio
Information - Reservations visits schools, groups
tel. 320.5788799 039.20756.204
Two artists on display: Floria Giampietro, painter, and Carlo Elli, a sculptor. Present their abstractions from contemporary modes of expression through two different but complementary.
Floria born in Vicenza in 1948, uses the chromaticity and the decomposition of a two-dimensional, on canvas or board, to tell its vision of "dream" with fragments of landscapes or figures with compositional harmony, chromaticity and style, revising it in abstract compositions.
Elli was born in Desio in 1941, elaborates his emotions through the development and research of three-dimensional sculpture. The His creativity goes beyond the obligation illustrations: it is full of ideas expressionist, pop, not to say surreal, although they rely on a classical conception of figuration.

Floria exhibited fifteen paintings on wood . abstract compositions that simultaneously recorded fragments of the real and informal. His figures and landscapes that suggest self-reflection as if we looked at many facets of the same subject in directly and simultaneously reflected in large bay windows. Everything mixed in, sometimes romantic at times energetic play of light. A very appreciated by the numerous juries in several years of work have often rewarded, always receiving great critical acclaim. What is most amazing is that Floria began painting at the age of 25 years on his own and has never attended academies. Simple and good-looking character has acquired the rudiments of painting through the advice of friends and painters smooth his path led him to these excellent results.

Elli in the exhibition, ten medium-sized sculptures , choices between the different techniques practiced by him: from clay to bronze, from the concrete to the resins. Sculptures show that well this way of creating a bit 'eclectic and naive.
is noted for example in the head in yellow clay, expressiveness, search features, which goes beyond the real eyes a bit 'Egyptians, the movement of hair, staring into space and at once thoughtful, all the elements that make deformed image that is not deformed. Even more visionary is black head with an eye to the sky, his hair flutter as horizontal supported by the wind, with braids and shapes that echo the shape of the tentacles of an octopus.
In Elli are therefore an abstraction of reality, however figurative, through plasticity is unrelated to the material research of full and empty, typical of the sculpture, but to a creative result of an eclectic way externalize the state of mind, which manifests itself at that precise moment, the act of giving, and define a volume.
Luigi Consonni

Friday, March 11, 2011

Can I Wax Over Jock Itch


after spending the last after investigation, I would now add a further element in the shape of a murderess who could emerge slowly from the hood in the smoke which has been hidden from those same surveys tragically wrong. Start with a strong statement:

the Monster of Florence was not a real sex maniac, but an impersonator who tried the show

There are many factors that lead to this conclusion, in the post "Why a breast," it had already been exposed one. Today we look at another, trying to answer the question, as he remembered to remove the pubic hair? On pages
429-430 of his "History of snacks infamous" Nino Filastò reports the observations of an anonymous doctor who noted strong similarities between Frank Zito, star of the film William Lustig Maniac, and the Monster of Florence. In fact in the film are secluded killed two couples, one in the car in a sequence highly spectacular and exciting, at least for fans of the genre. The film, however, is 1980, while the monster had already killed in 1974, if anything, his inspiration had come from the crime of Signa, which also held the gun. There are other elements, however, that they suspect some influence of the film on the minds of our serial-killer, we must not forget was considered by many experts as the Anglo-Saxon extraction, then the fact would be well justified. Imagine that the monster could be a consumer of movies sadistic sexual background is not difficult, considering the kind of luck in the '70s and '80s, I remember the legendary "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" of 1974, perhaps as a parent, and then "That motel near the swamp," "The Hills Have Eyes," "Halloween," "Amityville Horror, The Shining, Friday the 13th, and others.
Coming Maniac , look at the poster is coming soon in mind what might have been the biggest influence on Monster. Frank Zito cut the scalp of its female victims, and then put it as a kind of wig mannequins with whom voiced their problems, how can we fail to cut pubic fleece by the Monster? In fact it was only what interested him, not taking away the true sexual organs.
If indeed, as seems quite likely, our murderess had taken the idea of \u200b\u200bremoving the pubic level reworking in his own way what happened in Maniac, it becomes much more plausible to consider that in fact there was only one behind the gesture looking spectacular and certainly not the fulfillment of a sexual need. But we will see better in future posts. About
Maniac there is only one element to clarify the time at which the film was planned in Italy, and then seen by the murderer. The first crime with excision of the pubis was to Scandicci of June 6, 1981, while Maniac seems to be released some time later, on August 30 was definitely planning to Supercinema of Florence. In spring, however, it was much publicized by the trailer that was first broadcast on TV obsessively private, and the delay in programming was due to economic problems of the Italian distributor. Personally I do not remember him, because at that time I had other things to think about, but it seems that the film was much talked about, it is to be seen to believe his remarkable aggressive charge.
The trailer was part of a scene cut in the scalp, the poster on that particular beat and even the Italian subtitle " Hunting for scalps on the streets of New York " was always there.
Monster in short, even without having seen the film, must have in mind the operation of cutting hair, and then have developed a particular interpretation.
When he saw the film, it is to believe to receive other incentives, to emulate the publicity in the media business by Frank Zito seems quite plausible. There is also the physical structure character actor Joe Spinell that could constitute a further element of identification, but that's another story. As it reminds us Filastò Nino, programming at the National Film Theatre in Florence 20 to 22 October 1981, when the crime occurred just Calenzano 22, in an unusual autumn day, certainly gives food for thought.