Monday, April 26, 2010

Tender Swollen Breasts Meaning


A postcard for the National Plan for Childhood and Adolescence
still far from the National Plan for Childhood and Adolescence, which was already largely cut off at the National Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, 20 November 2009 (chapters, remember, the participation and on interculture) and that it expected to January 2010. Meanwhile, the National Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence is expiring and you do not see the horizon changes.
remember that since 2004 that Italy is without a National Plan for Childhood and the same should be involved as much as possible (even, say the international documents, with the boys, sigh!).
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has not yet been fully applied in Italy for example has not been set up to reform the juvenile justice system that provides for exclusive jurisdiction in relation to a single specialist body, and a new discipline of defense and office of the penitentiary. In addition, the lack of definition, by state and regions, the basic level of benefits produces the risk of discretionary decisions and inequality in the services provided. ) to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Welfare and Minister of State for the Family.
The proposal is to send the following text:
"Dear, I am one of the promoters and supporters to beat the CINQUE.Se children have no rights today as should be expected to averedei domani.Chiedo duties with this a priority action for the benefit of your children dirittidei, waiting for us domani.In one of your early reply, please accept our best regards. "
would therefore be necessary to conclude an agreement on policies for children and introduce a system of monitoring of resources allocated by the various levels of government. In the previous legislature the National Observatory on childhood and adolescence had developed a draft plan, which aimed to foster an intergenerational pact, to promote intercultural awareness and to strengthen the integrated network of services and the protection of rights. It should be stressed that the government has dropped the draft for purely ideological reasons, however, which led to confusing policies for children with family policies and to encourage the contrast of youth distress than to the promotion of rights. Bianchi (UDC-SVP-Aut-IS). Lamenting the absence of the Minister Sacconi, however, welcomes the announced introduction of the new National Plan for Children and Adolescents, which really should be every two years, and looks forward to concrete goals, both launched in the near future and has an adequate budget. The future of society depends on the welfare of future generations: the People's Party attaches great importance to fiscal policies aimed at supporting families, in particular those many. The Group is also the encouragement of integrated services for children and educational projects, based on cooperation between parents and schools, to overcome the discomfort, which is reflected in the youth alcohol and drug disorders alimentari.Presidente. At the request of the representative of the Government, states that the power policy for children is entrusted to the Secretary Giovanardi.
It is clear from this report, nothing moves, and what little we have learned we are concerned. The network "Beat the Five" - \u200b\u200bbacked by Agesci, Arciragazzi, CGIL, CNCA, Order of Social Workers, Save the Children Italy, Unicef \u200b\u200bItaly - then launched another initiative to pressure the government, with the proposal to individuals and organizations send a postcard (download from Meanwhile
April 22 in the Senate, held a question time on the floor, urged by Senator Anna Maria Serafini (PD) which was attended by senators Giovanardi, Rizzotti, members, Carlino and Bianchi, vice president of President Bonino.
Here are interventions:
Giovanardi - Secretary of State at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Plan of Action for Children is the way of implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989: the final plan adopted by Italy dates back to 2004 and it is therefore necessary to map one best suited to current needs, that is the result of the comparison between the central state institutions, regions, local authorities, social formations and all the actors involved in promoting the welfare of children and teenagers. After a thorough collegial work started in autumn 2007 it will be possible soon in the national Children and Young People Plan scheme, which will then be brought before the Council of Ministers of the Bicameral Committee 's childhood and adolescence and the Joint Conference, only to be finally adopted by decree of the President of the Republic. The Plan, which provides both programmatic and involves all levels of government, will not be a mere ritual performance, but a innovative tool designed to provide uniformity and consistency in the decisions and policies for children and adolescents, identifying some priority lines of action. It is thus intended to consolidate the network of integrated services to children and adolescents and prevent social exclusion, with particular attention to education, to support parents and to children with disabilities, to our family and the prevention and treatment of 'abuse and mistreatment, to reinforce the protection of rights, the reform of the juvenile court, the establishment of a guarantor of the National Childhood and Adolescence and the identification of guidelines for combating child abuse and child pornography; to promote citizens' participation and role in growth and intergenerational relations, in particular by improving the life and times of work to promote intercultural and multi-ethnic coexistence. Finally, as regards the financing arrangements of the planned measures in the plan, declaring a willingness to allocate some of the actions of the resources of the national policies famiglia.Rizzotti (PDL). Among the initiatives contained in the Third National Plan of Action for the protection of the rights and development of subjects in children deserve special appreciation the strengthening of network and service operators for the family, measures to encourage education and protection of rights, and measures to strengthen services and support for parenting. Very positive is also the focus on the implementation of a pact between generations, in partnership with education assigned to the family, school and society, and interculturalism, understood as the basis for a multiethnic society. The review on the subject of juvenile justice, while maintaining the goal of rehabilitation, will nevertheless provide a system of penalties which take into account the rights of victims of crimes committed by children: in this regard is not to endorse the suspension of the sentence and subsequent probation sometimes practiced in trials for rape against girls. Hopes, finally, that the Plan addresses the issues of cooperation in combating the phenomenon of irregular migration and trafficking of children, which is closely linked with the issue of prostitution minorile.Serafini Anna Maria (PD). Italy ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, however, that commitment is not an action resulting from the legislative point of view and actions put in place. The government underestimates children's rights, which instead should be a priority to deal with the coordination of public and private actions. Consequence of insufficient attention to policies for children is the continuation of fertility rates in Italy and education among the lowest in Europe, in addition, there is a great disparity in resources between North and South of the country, which could be aggravated by the federalist reform without a legal framework which identifies the basic level and priority of support to 'childhood and adolescence. Services such as day care centers is inadequate and this is not only due to a lack of resources, but to an underestimation of their importance for the development of children. There are, carelessness and indifference to children with disabilities and migrant workers, juvenile justice is firm and are not taken adequate measures to prevent the abuse and trafficking and to counter the discomfort food. We need tax policies for families with children and instead continue to separate the issues relating to economic development than those related to personal care: a vision behind, abandoned by the major European countries. He called for the participation in the debate the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Sacconi. (Applause of senators and Bassoli Donaggio). Adherents (LNP). The National Plan of actions for the protection of children must involve the state, but also the regions, local authorities, schools and all the parties engaged in this field: The policies put in place should be guided by the principle of the centrality of the person. Children's rights are violated not only in public areas of the world living in conditions of underdevelopment, but also in Countries that have achieved high levels of welfare, where these phenomena are linked to serious cultural and economic problems within the family, but also illegal immigration: a cause of lawlessness in which they are, in fact, children may become subject to exploitation labor, begging and even sexual exploitation. To this should be pursued policies focused on combating illegal immigration and increasing integration, not to mention that the promotion of intercultural should not regardless of the value of culture and national traditions. The child protection policy should therefore focus on the active involvement of family and school also monitoring is required more and more articulate in order to identify the most effective tools to tackle the phenomena of abuse and exploitation. (Applause of Senator Rizzotti). Carlino (IDV).
Email addresses are:

ConsiglioEgr of the President. Mr. Silvio Berlusconi

to Misistro Labour Policies SocialiEgr. Sen. Maurizio Sacconi

the Undersecretary for Political FamigliaEgr. Sen. Carlo Giovanardi segreteria.giovanardi @

Join, send a postcard and have it sent. Beat you too ... Five


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