Wednesday, September 9, 2009

14 Weeks Pregnant And Rashes On Legs

Federica Poso, the challenge of a seventeen year old from the physical explosive

Federica Poso
A cascade of dark curls and eighty-three cm to one meter in height. This explosive young physicist seventeen of Termoli, Federica Poso, which this year take part in the famous beauty pageant house Rai Uno 'Miss Italy 2009' on television screens from Saturday, before reaching the grand final on September 14.

The girl is no longer in the skin but to be excited as you, of course, the parents Adrian and Simon, her brother and her boyfriend Fabio Fabrizio. Federica is in Salsomaggiore Terme from 24 August, where he also passed to enter the finals of the competition law. A further confirmation of his victory, as pointed out by Mr. Adriano, because the 250 girls present there are thirty-eight were chosen, and among these, even Federica Poso, therefore, will be among the 60 finalists Miss Italy 2009.

How did the idea of \u200b\u200bparticipating in the competition? "It 's been my wife to enter Federica, unbeknownst to him, said Mr. Adriano-but did not expect to get that high. My daughter, then, has only one passion, swim practice now for nine years with Termoli Swimming. His dream was to do the 'beauty queen' but as it went ahead with the competition has become increasingly passionate. "

His myth is in fact the very large swimming champion Federica Pellegrini so just know that it will crown the Miss Italy this year has startled Federica joy. "It 's the news-glad the pope continued, the aspiring Miss-and this experience is going very well. I hope you enjoy it. "

The student Istituto Tecnico Commerciale 'G. Boccardi 'also is gaining consensus on many Internet, especially on Facebook, on which it is a real fan club of 17 year old Termoli. "They even called us from Bergamo for the compliments and inaction of luck-and-Simao said Adriano happy family."

Federica, in fact, even if resident and grew up in Termoli, was a native of Bergamo. "He lived there until 3 to 4-years-after which he told his father to work before we moved in Abruzzo, Molise in then. This summer my daughter did the lifeguard at the beach even 'The Turtle' in Termoli, but had to leave work before the end of the season for the commitments of the competition. Fortunately, the plant managers understand and support it. "

A girl like several federations at the same time special. His carefree teenage years, a quiet girl since childhood and now a perfect Miss the town and the Pro Loco of Termoli, Molise Region, and the claim with pride.

year the aspiring Italian queen has even participated in the Italian Championship of winter and summer swimming. "Federica he trains two hours a day and a half every day, excited and said with a hint of pride in the father-and sometimes, in view of the races, even with the double workout. I do not know what the future holds, but whatever is good for you, in every sense. "

Who knows, the stubbornness and the will to win and prevail in the discipline of swimming perhaps help in this new challenge 'without water'. But with that face, that smile and that physical and sports statuary, it is very likely that just a Federica Poso alone 'arms' to win and conquer the podium.


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