Sunday, July 12, 2009

Original Karadavis Mental

Veronica Nardini Alessandra Delli Veneri

Nardini Veronica is one of three candidates for the "First Miss the year" 2009. There are two new related to "Miss First Year" - 2009 Miss Italy : the winner will be chosen only because of the televoting public and the title will enable Miss you directly to the National phases of competition Miss Italy 2009.

Nardini Veronica is 20 years old, was born in Ascoli Piceno January 4, 1990 and lives Villanova Guidonia (Roma). E 'blonde, green eyes and high m. 1.78.

The "Miss First Year" - Miss Italy 2009 will be proclaimed on the night of S. Sylvester shortly after midnight in the transmission RaiUno " year to come" conducted by Carlo Conti from 21 hours to 1, 30.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jeff Hardy Cut His Hair Off

The girl that you can see in our gallery called Alessandro Delli Veneri, and 'born in Milan, but since he was five years living in Rome. He is 17 years and in the early days of this 2009 which We have just welcomed and 'was elected as the First of the Year 2009 Miss

Friday, July 10, 2009

Fun, Printable, And Free Book Covers

Chiara Salvatori (number 3) was born in Villanova Guidonia, near Rome, July 22, 1988. Auburn hair, hazel eyes, high m.1, 71, is an only child. He studied at La Sapienza University, Interfaculty of Economics and Humanities (to become a chartered accountant in fashion companies, or manager in marketing). And 'black belt in karate, loves ballet, jazz and sport that makes you feel free. " "I am a simple girl - he says - tied to the family, ambitious and perfectionist").
"vote for - he added - because you will have much to discover and otherwise do not know what you're missing"

Marine Wrestling Singlets

Chiara Salvadori Chiara Salvadori "Miss First Year" - 2009 Miss Italy

Chiara Salvatori is one of three candidates for the "First Miss year " 2009. There are two new related to "Miss First Year" - 2009 Miss Italy : the winner will be choice only because of the televoting public and the title will enable Miss direct access to national stages of the competition Miss Italy 2009.

Chiara Salvatori 19 years old, was born in Villanova Guidonia (Rome) 2 July 1988 and lives in Villanova Guidonia (Roma). She has auburn hair, hazel eyes and high m.1, 71. The

"Miss First Year" - Miss Italy 2009 will be proclaimed on the night of S. Sylvester shortly after midnight in the transmission RaiUno " year to come" conducted by Carlo Conti from 21 hours to 1, 30.